The meeting was called to order at 7.00 P.M. by Chairman Dumke.
Also present were Committee Members Tomczyk and Ald. Gaetzke
Ai and those persons as per the attached list.
The Committee discussed Ordinance #458 (Keeping of Vicious
Animals Prohibited). After considerable discussion from citizens
Ald. Gaetzke moved to send Ordinance #458 back to the Common
Council. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried.
The Committee discussed Ordinance #459 (Qualifications of Municipal
Judge). After a lengthy discussion Ald. Tomczyk moved to send
Ordinance #459 back to the Common Council. Seconded by Ald. Dumke.
Motion carried.
The Committee discussed licensing of cats and cats at large.
Ald. Tomczyk moved to have the City Attorney draft an ordinance
to cover licensing of cats and cats at large and include the
requiring of a license for cat kennels. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke.
Motion carried.
• The Committee discussed an amendment to Chapter 3, Municipal Code,
Requiring Water Meters to be replaced or rebuilt. Building
Inspector Lee recommended changing the Ordinance to have a time
requirement for changing or rebuilding of water meters. Chairman
Dumke instructed Building Inspector Lee to send a recommendation
to the City Attorney for him to draft an Ordinance change.
The Committee discussed amendments to Building Code (Chapter 30).
Chairman Dumke instructed Building Inspector Lee to send proposed
changes to the City Attorney for a draft of Ordinance Amendment.
The Committee discussed Chapter 8.03 (12), Uniform Address System.
The Committee recommended a notice be placed in local newspapers
to explain and remind citizens of this Ordinance.
The Committee discussed responsibility for enforcement of Junk
Car Ordinance. Ald. Tomczyk moved to have City Attorney draft
Ordinance to have the Police Department take care of Junked or
abandoned vehicles. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke. Motion carried.
The Committee discussed Ordinance #435 pertaining to sewer
connection rates and new special assessment policy (re: $1,000
for easement) Ald. Nilsson recommended this subject be deferred
until the next meeting.
The fine structure for Dogs at Large was deferred to the next
The Committee discussed Traffic Violation Forfeitures. Ald.
Tomczyk moved to send proposals of Chief Scholz and the City
Attorney for updating of City Ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10 12 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Eugene Gaetzke, Secy.