• The -meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Dumke.
Also present were Committee Members Tomczyk and Gaetzke, Mayor
Salentine, Ald. De Angelis, Ald. Nilsson and those persons as
per the attached list.
The Committee discussed Ordinance P458, An Ordinance to Amend
Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code (Keeping of Vicious Animals
Prohibited). Ald. Tomczyk moved to send Ordinance #458 to Common
Council for a second reading. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke. Motion
The Committee discussed Ordinance #459, An Ordinance to Amend
Chapter 1.06 of the Municipal Code (Qualifications of Municipal
Judge). Ald. De Angelis expressed his views that the Judge should
not have to be a lawyer. Ald. Nilsson stated that after discussing
this matter with the present Municipal Judge, he felt this person's
qualifications as a lawyer were necessary. Ald. Tomczyk moved
to send Ordinance #459 to Common Council for a second reading.
Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried,
The Committee discussed proposed amendment to Chapter 7.05 to
provide for "No Parking in Fire Lanes" around businesses. Ald.
Tomczyk moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare the
• necessary ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke. Motion carried.
The Committee discussed proposed amendments to Chapter 12.01,
"Intoxicating Liquor and Malt Beverages". Ald. Tomczyk moved
to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance,
including a provision that holders of Class "A" Retail Licenses
be prohibited from selling between 9:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. and
to include the provisions in Ord. #433 dated 9/28/82 and Ord.#427
dated 9/14/82. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried.
The Committee discussed recommendations of the Sewer Committee
to Amend Chapter 3 of the Municipal Code regarding Outhouses.
Ald. Tomczyk moved to defer until the next meeting, so he can
discuss the enforcement problems with Building Inspector Lee.
Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke. Motion carried.
The Committee discussed an amendment to Chapter 20, "Public
Waters and Beaches". Ald. Tomczyk moved to direct the City
Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance to delete Sections
20.02(l), 20.02(2), 20.02(4) and 20.04 of Chapter 20 because these
sections are covered by State Statute. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke.
Motion carried.
The Committee discussed Safety Committee's recommendation to
amend Chapter 13, "Licensing and Regulation of Animals" (cats).
. Ald. Gaetzke moved to defer this matter to enable Chairman Dumke
to check with other communities on their procedures regarding
licensing of cats. Ald. Tomczyk Seconded the motion Motion
carried. Licensing and cats at large will be discussed at the
next meeting.
The Committee discussed Public Safety Committee's recommendation
to amend Chapter 130 "Licensing and Regulation of Animals",
regarding Daily Fees, Apprehension Fee and Fine increases. Ald.
Gaetzke moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary
ordinance to amend the fee structure as follows:
Daily Boarding Fee from $3.00 to $5.00
Apprehension Fee from $10.00 to $15.00
Fine Structure:
1st Offense - No Charge
2nd Offense - $25.00
Each Offense Thereafter - $35.00.
Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried.
• Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee
August 4, 1983 - Page 2
Mayor Salentine recommended having the fine structure for Dogs
at Large reviewed at the next meeting.
Aid. Nilsson recommended a review of Traffic Violation Forfeitures
be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10!06 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Aid. Eugene Gaetzke, Secy.
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