The meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Dumke.
Also present were Committee Members Tomczyk and Gaetzke and those
persons as per the attached list.
C� The committee discussed the possibility of amending Section 12.01
of the Municipal Code as it relates to a $5.00 fee for the issuance
of a temporary operator's license. Ald. Tomczyk moved to recommend
Section 12.01 (3)(e) of the Municipal Code be deleted. Seconded by
Ald. Gaetzke. Motion carried.
Aid. Colburn advised the committee regarding Safety Committee's
recent discussion regarding "Slow-bb Wake" signs and time limitations
on the lake. Considerable discussion took place regarding these
proposed restrictions to include alternate days for fishing and
skiing. Ald. Tomczyk suggested that inasmuch as the Public Safety
Committee had researched this issue in detail that a recommendation
should come from that committee. The Rules, Laws & Ordinance
Committee could then take the necessary action. Ald. Colburn
felt a "Slow -No Wake restriction should be enforced from 8:00 P.M.
to 9:00 A.M. Ald. Tomczyk felt no recommendation should go to
Council at this time unless the matter is further studied.
• Building Inspector Lee discussed matters relating to water meters
_ in industrial areas not working properly. The committee directed
Building Inspector Lee to investigate how other communities are
correcting or having meters repaired or checked for proper operation.
The committee noted that no information was available regarding the
parking of trucks in residential areas for this meeting.
Mr. Scott Krause appeared before the committee regarding the False
Alarm ordinances (#444, which amended Sec. 12.18 of the Municipal
Code). Lt. Johnson stated the number of alarms had decreased con-
siderably since the city's ordinances have gone into affect. Ald.
Nilsson advised the committee of the research that had been done
prior to the ordinances being adopted. The committee agreed not to
make any recommendations to amend the ordinance at this time.
The meeting adjourned at 10:01 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Aid. Eugene Gaetzke, Sec'y.
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committi