RLO19820916RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO . MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 16, 1982 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Aid. Treba, Mayor Salentine, Police Scholz and those persons as per the attached list. Aid. Klenz was absent. The committee discussed a complaint regarding cats owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Peters, West Tower Drive. Following discussion regarding the cats, Mr. and Mrs. Peters were advised they would be contacted if further discussion would be held after they left the meeting. After Mr. and Mrs. Peters left the meeting, Mr. Ed Niezgoda, the complaining neighbor arrived. He stated that he felt there was a definite problem concerning the cats, such as an excessive number of cats, strays and odors. He indicated the Peters were breeding and selling cats in a residential neighborhood. Mr. Niezgoda was advised by the committee that at the present time there is no ordinance in Muskego concerning cats. Mr. Bob Uttech owner of the property Open Pantry is considering buying, appeared at the meeting to discuss Open Pantry's plans to open a business in the city. He stated they would be hiring 10 to 15 people. He also stated that Open Pantry would not be interested in opening the business without being able to sell beer and gas. He felt the city was being slow in considering the matter of increasing the quota of Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage licenses. Mr. Uttech • was advised the ordinance relating to this matter has been written and has had its first reading. Aid. Dumke advised him that he felt that Attorney George Weber, representing Open Pantry, should appear to speak in behalf of that business. The committee discussed proposed Ordinance #434, An Ordinance to Amend Section 30.51 of the Municipal Code, which related to change in occupancy of .a single family residential property, Zoning Officer Lee. Aid. Treba moved to have"milti-family rental" inserted as well as single family exempting the inspection without a change of ownership. Seconded by Aid. Dumke. Motion carried. Mr. M. Steffen, President of RVS Cablevision, and Mr. Jim Rankin and Mr. George Dotson, also of RVS, appeared at the request of Aid. Treba to discuss the necessary change to the Cable TV ordinance, allowing the erection of a 199' tower to serve cable TV along with the police, fire and public works departments. The tower to be located just east of the police department building on the civic center grounds. Section 12.19, Ch. 12 (1) 17. to read, "The grantee will locate a 199 ft. tower on the civic center grounds in the City of Muskego. A discussion was held on whether or not payments could be raised from 3 percent to 5 percent. Mr. Steffen advised the City of Brookfield has submitted to the FCC for five percent, however, approval has not been given as yet. Aid. Treba asked if the city could receive its payments quarterly rather than semi-annually. He stated most communities will be receiving them semi-annually, but if Brookfield received them quarterly, the City of Muskego might also. Discussions also took place as to where the RVS office will be located and on the benefits of having a program advisory council or a system regulatory board. Chief Scholz discussed consideration of a possible ordinance pro- hibiting first time offense of operating a motor vehicle after revocation of their operator's license. He stated the penalty fee would then go to the city rather than the county. Chief Scholz has asked the city attorney to draft the proposed ordinance for Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee review. Aid. Dumke moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aid. Treba. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Aid. Blenda Treba, Sec'y je