RLO19820811RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 11, 1982 The meeting was called to order at 8.30 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. present were Committee Member Klenz. Aid. Colburn, Nilsson and Lt. John Johnson were also present. Aid Treba and Mr. Lee arrived Also at 9.00. The committee discussed a complaint regarding cats owned by Mrs. Ronald Peters of West Tower Drive. Mrs. Peters advised the committee that she has been a Persian cat breeder for eight years at the West Tower Drive address. Mrs. Peters stated that a neighbor made a complaint regarding excessive cats, strays and odor. Mrs. Peters stated her cats are valuable animals that are never let loose, and that animal droppings are placed in heavy plastic bags and than placed in garbage cans. The complaining neighbor was unable to attend the meeting due to a family illness. Both parties will have an opportunity to discuss the problem at the next meeting. Lt. Johnson appeared before the committee to discuss the matter of a ordinance pertaining to traffic regulations in shopping centers. Lt. Johnson felt an ordinance was needed to enable the police department to enforce any traffic related offenses on parking lots in shopping centers. Aid. Klenz moved to have the City Attorney review the attached City of Brookfield Ordinance, draft the necessary ordinance and submit it to the Rules Laws and Ordinance Committee for further action. • An Ordinance was discussed regarding qualifications for Municipal Justice. After considerable discussion regarding the complexities of the position, the committee decided to have Attorney Molter check on any related legislation or pending legislation regarding Municipal Justice and qualifications. Attorney Molter should also advise the committee whether or not restrictions can be placed on the position since it is an elected position. The committee discussed the policy regarding rummage sales. The consensus of the committee felt that no additional ordinance would be needed at this time. The committee also discussed the ordinance covering trailers with Building Inspector Lee. The various proposed changes were covered. The committee recommended "adding a provision covering emergency permits that would be good for up to 30 days. The committee will review the proposed ordinance at their next meeting. The Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage Licenses and Class "A" Retail Liquor License Ordinance was discussed. Aid. Klenz read a proposed ordinance based on the estimated population tying population into the license quota. After considerable discussion, Aid. Klenz moved to send to the City Attorney for proper wording. The amended ordinance is being sent to the Common Council without recommendation of the committee and without the number inserted in the ordinance. Seconded by Aid. Treba. Motion carried. The committee is also requesting a legal opinion from Attorney Molter for the following: 1. Can we legally restrict establishments with private entrances, will it cover existing establishments. 2. Can we restrict any licensed establishment as to methods of displaying or selling liquor, (fenced in, adult supervision) The committee discussed the existing Occupancy Permit Ordinance with Mr. Lee. Mr. Lee felt the ordinance could be changed to eliminate the one family rental residence from the ordinance since it is very difficult to inspect. Aid. Klenz moved to remove the single family rental unit from the occupancy code. Seconded by Aid. Dumke. Motion carried. Aid. Treba moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aid. Klenz. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Aid. Robert Klenz, Sec'y