RLO19820628• RULES, LAWS k ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 28, 1982 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Committee Members Treba and Klenz, Mayor Salentine and Recreation Supervisor, Jackie St. Mary, Mr. Larry Fischer, Lt. John Johnson and Mr. Rick Swan. In regard to the request of Rick Swan to increase the city's quota of Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor Licenses from five, Chairman Dumke reports that a survey indicated that the Village of Hales Corners, and the cities of New Berlin and Brookfield do not have a quota on these licenses. Following discussion, Aid. Treba moved to recommend to Common Council denial of the request to increase the quota. the motion died for lack of a second. Aid. Klenz moved to refer to Common Council without recommendation that the Class "A" Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor License quota in the City of Muskego be increased to one license per 2,000 population. Seconded by Aid. Dumke. Following further discussion, Aid. Klenz, with the permission of his second, withdrew his motion. Aid. Klenz moved to defer action on this matter until the next meeting of the Rules, Laws k Ordinance Committee to get further information from the City Attorney and from the City Clerk as to how our original policy was started and remained in effect over the years. Seconded • by Aid. Treba. Motion carried. Miss St. Mary was present at the meeting to discuss Sec. 20.09, permit required for swimming beaches. Miss St. Mary suggested an addition to Sec. 20.09 "Common Council or its designate may from time to time close the designated swimming area at Idle Isle Beach on Little Muskego Lake and remove the swimming area markers for special events". Ald. Treba moved to recommend same to Council upon City Attorney checking proper wording. Seconded by Aid. Klenz. Motion carried unanimously. Qualifications.for the position of Municipal Justice and a proposed ordinance change were discussed. A copy of the City of New Berlin �^ - ordinance was reviewed. Several suggestions were made such as the municipal justice be an attorney and a city resident. Ald. Klenz move Vld' to have the City Attorney determine if said office can be appointed or not as per state statute and if there is a residency requirement. Seconded by Ald. Treba. Motion carried. The police department is requesting an ordinance covering traffic related offenses on parking lots within the city. Lt. Johnson presented a copy of the City o f Brookfield's ordinance, "operation of motor vehicle on premises held out to the public for the use of their vehicles The committee decided to have the police department research the matter more thoroughly and report back to the committee. • The matter of regulating piers on lakes was briefly discussed. A letter from Attorney Arenz was read. The committee will discuss this matter at a future meeting. Mr. Richard Knudsen appeared at the meeting to discuss the present city occupancy permit Ordinance #360. He stated he feels the ordinance was unfair to rental properties (including one -family homes) as required in Section (2). The difficulty in enforcement was brought up. The committee decided to have Building Inspector Lee appear at our next meeting to discuss Ordinance #360. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. In regard to Scott Krause's request for an ordinance fo r. his proposed \sewer district, Attorney Molter has requested Mr. Krause work with the DNR on this proposed ordinance since their permission is also needed. Aid. Treba moved to adjourn, seconded by Aid. Klenz. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, � 1 Aid. Robert Klenz, Sec'y. RK/je