The meeting was called to order at 8 30 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also
present were Committee Members Treba and Klenz, Mayor Salentine, Aid.
Colburn, Chief Scholz, Building Inspector Lee and those persons as
per the attached list.
The committee again discussed the proposed Ordinance #424 which
amended Ch. 9 of the Municipal Code. Aid. Klenz moved to amend
Section 9.27, Drinking in Public Places (1) by adding the word
"capped" between the words "original and package" and omitting the
words "and with the seal unbroken". Seconded by Aid. Treba. Motion
Section 9.22, Open Fires Restricted (1) was discussed regarding the
requirement for burning certain structures, etc. Discussion took
place that the ordinance, as written, could possibly cause innocent
people to violate the law, the committee decided to leave the wording
as is.
Section 9.18, regarding animals running at large, was also discussed.
A letter from Mr. Thomas Seroogy, S69 W17752 Forest Dr., regarding
chickens as personal pets, was read. The committee recommended no
• change in the existing ordinance. Mr. Seroogy should receive a letter
indicating this.
Section 9.29, regarding operation of off -road vehicles (.1) Paragraph A
was discussed. Aid. Dumke moved to amend the time limits in Paragraph
A to read "between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M, Seconded by
Aid. Klenz. Motion carried.
A letter from Wisconsin Electric Power Company, dated 4/22/82, regarding
prohibiting the use of their right-of-way, was read and placed on file.
Ordinance #415, Amending Chapter 12.01(5)(B) was discussed. The
illegality of Sec. 12,01(5)(b) (1) was discussed. Recent court cases
have held the 50 percent rule unconstitutional. Aid. Klenz moved to
recommend deletion from (1) of 12.01(5)(b) everything after the 1st
two sentences. Following considerable discussion as to whether or
not the city should increase the Class "A" (Beer depot) Licenses,
Aid. Klenz moved to have the city attorney draft an ordinance to
amend Sec. 12.01(.5)(b) to increase the Class "A" Fermented Malt
Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor Licenses quota to one (1) license
per 2500 population. Aid. Dumke seconded the motion for the purpose of
having the matter reviewed by the city attorney. The committee directed
the City Clerk to contact the League of Municipalities and the IIMC
to determine what other communities do in relation to the amount of
Class "A" licenses and how they determine their quotas (.that is,
population, etc.). The Clerk was also directed to give the committee
. a history of Muskego's Class "A" licensing procedures and practices.
The proposed ordinance change relating to the Sign Code was discussed
the Zoning Officer Gerald Lee. Aid. Klenz moved to send the proposed
ordinance to Common Council recommending adoption. Seconded by Aid.
Treba. Motion carried.
A letter from Waukesha County Corporation Counsel, August Fabyan, Jr.,
was read and discussed as it relates to Scott Krause's proposed
development and sewerage district for five homes. It was the committee's
decision to refer the matter and Attorney Fabyan's letter to City
Attorney Molter for a possible ordinance acceptable to Waukesha County
and the City of Muskego which incorporates the county's concerns.
Aid. Colburn proposed to the committee a possible ordinance for
restricting water skiing on Little Muskego Lake Aid. Dumke moved to
send the proposed ordinance to Council. Seconded by Aid. Treba.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11 02 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Aid. Robert Klenz, Sec'y.
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