RLO19810611• RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 11, 1981 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Salentine at 8 40 P 11 Also present was committee member Knudsen, Ald Klenz and Ald Radtke who arrived at 9:30 P.M Also present were these individuals shown on the attached attendance sheet Police Chief Scholz appeared before the committee to review the present bail and stipulations schedule. He indicated there were several differences between that required by the state and that required by the citys Municipal Code. He was directed to work with the City Attorney to make the necessary changes in the Municipal Code Chief Scholz was also directed to discuss with the City Attorney the updating of the city ordinance on disorderly conduct and possession of marijuana. A communication from the City Attorney's office in which he suggests consideration should be given to obtaining the services of an ordinance update service company was reviewed The matter will be discussed at a future meeting. Ald Knudsen moved to recommend Council adoption of Ordinance #411, entitled, "An Ordinance to Amend Certain Provisions of Chapter 17 • (Zoning Ordinance) of the Municipal Code (Re Solar Access, Accessory Buildings, Temporary Signs)". Seconded by Ald Salentine. Motion carried. Ald Knudsen Moved to recommend Council approval of Ordinance #412, entitled, "An Ordinance to Amend Certain Provisions of Chapter 18 (Land Division Ordinance)". Seconded by Ald Salentine. Motion carried Ald Knudsen suggested that the committee review Section 20 08 of the Municipal Code (Re Skin Diving) Ald. Klenz also suggested that the committee review the possibility of developing an ordinance controlling excessive noises. The committee discussed at length the request of the owners of Pick W Save to increase the number of Class A Fermented Malt Beverage and Intoxicating Liquor Licenses from five to six. Different views regarding the matter were expressed ranging from no change to no limits of any kind. Ald. Knudsen moved to not increase the number of licenses at this time. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried with Ald. Radtke voting "no". Ald. Radtke moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald Salentine. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. • Respcetfully submitted, Richard M. Knudsen, Sec'y. Rules, Laws, & Ordinance Committe t J. 0 r� u