RLO19800121• RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 21, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Van Lanen at 7:30 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Salentine and Pietruszynski, Ald. Ford and Mayor Gottfried. There were also approximately 100 citizens present. Under Old Business the committee reviewed an opinion from the City . Attorney's Office regarding the Little Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District and their proposed project. In answer to a question from a citizen in the audience Chairman Van Lanen referred to a report from Strand & Associates and the audit of the lake district which, in his opinion, raised a question as to where the funds for the project were coming from. Ald. Ford brought the committee up to date regarding action previous taken by the members of the Lake District at their regular annual meeting indicating that they had committed themselves to paying the balance -of -the cost after State and_Tederal grants were received. He indicated -that amount- was--$800,000.00. 'He advised the committee that the members;of the - __ District at its annual meeting also adopted a resolution that the Common Council consider=a grant -of $200,000.00`-to the--District.:-.- However, that -request has never been -submitted to the Council -for consideration. Many comments, questions and suggestions were presented by persons attending the meeting most of which dealt with the proposed • dredging project and why the question of a referendum has surfaced at this time. Ald. Salentine moved to refer the following question to the City Attorney's Office: If city general funds were to be spent on any project in the city is that project subject to referendum and what would be the -procedure to follow to formulate a petition for referendum? Seconded by Ald. Pietruszynski. Motion carried. Mrs. Gilbert Hough appeared before the committee and suggested that they consider raising the fees for the release of stray animals apprehended by the city. She submitted a list of fees (fines) which have been established by other communities which are served by HAWS. Ald. Van Lanen moved to recommend to the Common Council to increase the fees as provided in Section 13.01(e) to $10,00 for apprehension plus $3 50 per day for confinement. Seconded by Ald. Salentine Motion carried. Mrs. Hough also suggested that efforts be increased to make sure that all dogs within the city are licensed. The committee also reviewed an opinion dated January 2, 1980 regarding pornography. After reviewing the opinion it was generally agreed by the committee that any efforts to restrict adult movies, etc. would be dependent upon the fmdiW of the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsit . Ald. PietruszynsId mad from a copy of the January, 1980 issue of the magazine "The Municipality" which indicated the County could possible impose an amusement tax. T-he article from the magazine read as follows" "A municipality cannot utilize that authority granted to it under s 66.75 to impose a room tax on campground sites, because campgrounds are not included in the statutory definition of hotels and motels. There is no express statutory authorization for municipalities to impose amuse- ment taxes or selective sales or use taxes, although counties may exercise such taxation powers pursuant to ss.77.70." It was suggested that Mayor Gottfried send copies of that material to County Board Supervisors George Guhr and Frank Narlock. ' The committee accepted and placed on file the opinions from the City Attorney's Office dated 12/20/79 (Re: Liquor Licenses) and 1/2/80 (re: Adult Theaters). Ald. Salentine brought to the attention of the committee problems the city could encounter when trying to enforce the provisions of Ordinance #275(Relating to ditch bonds in those subdivisions where curb and gutters have been installed.) A copy of the ordinance will be sent to each of the committee members in order that the matter can be discussed at the February meeting of the committee. Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Pietruszynski. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:14 P.M. je ` Ald. Wayne Salentine, Sec'y.