RLO19790815• RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 15, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M. Present were Aldermen Salentine and Van Lanen. Also attending were Mayor Gottfried,_Ald. Ford, Jack Frey, Paul Ciardo, Ron Voss, Brad Spencer and Mrs. Donna Rouner, Sentinel Reporter. The July 11, 1979 minutes were read and placed on file. OLD BUSINESS A letter from City Attorney Hippenmeyer, dated July 27, 1979 was read and filed on file. The opinions in the letter were requested regarding: (1) whether it is legal to take liquor or fermented malt beverages outside of a tavern and comsume it in a parking lot? (2) Does the city have the authority to stipulate that a relative be barred from participating in the operation of a tavern? Continued discussion of Mr. Hippenmeyer's opinions will take place at September's meeting. Mayor Gottfried discussed with the committee letters from surrounding communities regarding ordinances pertaining to the above questions. • The committee discussed the procedure to follow if Mr. Oschman is observed managing or tending bar. Mayor Gottfried indicated a sworn statement was needed specifying the time, date and other pertinent data. NEW BUSINESS The committee chairman read a memo from Mr, Fred Baewer dated 8/15/79. Ald. Ford and constituents from his ward requested assistance regarding the concerns outlined in Mr. Baewer's memo. Petition attached to the memo and dated 8/15/79 was accepted and placed on file._ The committee requested a legal opinion from the city attorney regarding Section 26.10 (paragraph 2) of the City's Municipal Code. The committee agreed to wait and monitor the needs for an ordinance relating to the discarding of dead fish and carp along waterways and creeks. Ald. Van Lanen indicated that he would contact Mr. Pohlman about his concern. Based on the resignation of Ald Pienkos the committee decided to wait until the next meeting to continue discussion of the old business matters delineated in the August 15, 1979 agenda. Ald. Van Lanen and Ald. Salentine agreed to change the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee meeting night to a Monday in September. Until further notice the committee will meet at 7:30 P.M. on Mondays. •Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. TVL/je Seconded by Ald. Salentine. The Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. MEMO TO. Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee FROM; Fred Baewer At the August 13th Parks & Recreation Board meeting, residents of Idle Isle Park area and Alderman Ford, appeared before the Board with various complaints regarding park users, Their complaints were of loud music, litter in the channel, foul language at channel residents, defecation of human waste in plain view of channel residents (both male and female), using car headlights to shine on their fishing lines and bobbers, and failure to pull in fishing lines when boats are using the channel. These incidents happen not only on the weekend, but during the weekdays. • Upon hearing the residents attending the meeting stating the problems, the Parks & Recreation Board voted unanimously to post "No Fishing" signs along the shoreline (map enclosed). As requested by the Parks & Recreation Board, I am requesting that an ammendment be made to ordinance 327, that no fishing be allowed on the east and west side of Idle Isle Park, (Map enclosed) August 15th, 1979 FB/ff Enc. • C • 0 Y 0 N L(/E 7/-/E U.t/DEIZ Si�i✓�O AraREE 7o THE NEE,O fole.' • �jry/�/�j EZ, 7,2/f 7101V r 7W6 No2Tl� f/DE Of THE TOLE _T6C .82/DEjEy 7a TiyE S2>a77AZ Al ENO a,c 7,y� C<1ANNEL, u SLC-L�/�Y OOL/LEMi1N ON Ti`/6 SALE -ZS[E 2a,yo- �oi.✓�i O.V, 4410 To s/✓s/ /$/ T jHE SpE60E2I L`3 `/UO 104le&in/67 �j�Gjn/f feoroi %/1E 7N7ElI SEG7/ON of N�,eo7♦�E De/vE Muf/lECao �zivE GOsn/6 EAf? ON 1M1Z971<"E V'CltlE 70 /YJ,4.e7in/ 2cl, AND /VOA'-;- ! ,4-ND .%UTe� 3oa j/feDJ ON fzUd/lEG�o 7��/vE H ® JNDic 9 rio.v o.e .Di4e/� fUGL " Ts�.vJ 7o DieEc7 /:i0:✓/E PAKK /�/l/?Oef! annAere- i i =MINOWNj _�.' Imo.. -r_♦� / r � > .�f