The meeting was called to order at 9:38 P.M. by Chairman Van Lanen.
Also present were Ald. Pienkos and Ald. Salentine (committee members),
Ald. Weed, Mr. Richard Koput and Mrs. Jean Sanders.
Mrs Jean Sanders, City Treasurer, appeared before the committee
to question the city's action on reducing dog license fees to
one-half after July 1st. It was explained that the committee has
recommended an ordinance change increasing the fees. The ordinance
adopted at the June 12th Council meeting gave permission to raise
license fees. The committee is awaiting the writing of a resolution
to change the license fees from Attorney Buckley.
Mr. Richard Koput appeared before the committee to complain about
water coming from the condominiums on Pioneer Drive onto his drive-
way and on his property located at W179 S8246 Pioneer Drive. Ald.
Salentine indicated that he had talked to the Condominium Board of
Directors and that they would like to work out the water problems
with Mr. Koput. The committee requests Building Inspector Lee to
• explain what ordinances, if any, are being violated regarding the
drainage problem at the Koput property.
Information gathered regarding the plowing of snow onto city streets
from private drives: Ald. Van Lanen had contacted Franklin, Ald.
Salentine had contacted New Berlin and Ald. Pienkos had contacted
the Village of Sussex. All contacted had ordinances regarding this
matter and all spoke favorable of them. Ald. Van Lanen will contact
Supt. Bertram regarding his thoughts on this matter so a decision
can be made at the next meeting.
Ald. Van Lanen will contact Building Inspector Lee regarding lowland
filling so this can be discussed at the next meeting.
Discussion again took place regarding the underground storage of
gasoline in the city. Ald. Van Lanen will contact Building Inspector
Lee to determine what authorization he has in this matter and what
possible authority he would like to have in regulating these tanks
if he thinks it is necessary.
Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald Salentine Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:34 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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Ald. Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y.