RLO19781011• RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COM,1ITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 11, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pienkos Also present were Committee Members Wallner and Tomczyk • Aid Wallner moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by A1d Tomczyk Notion carried UNFINISHED BUSINESS he committee discussed Model Ordinance Regulating District Sales The cona-nittee will continue their review of this ordinance at the next meeting 'ne Committee acknowledged receipt of City Attorney's reply concerning excessive noise by the open stack boater They also acknowledged receipt, of a co >— cation from Outboard Marine stating outboard manufacturing ;.,;ll be striving during the next legislative session to have a boating noise control law adopted The committee requested that Mayor Gottfried contact the city's representatives in Madison concerning this matter • ine co=mittee also acknowledged a communication from City Atto=Ee Buckley regarding the prohibition of motorized vehicles on ice in 'his rinks Mr Buckley advised enoudthe hooicovertthe problem opinion, Section 20 07(_) g The committee is awaiting Attorney Buckley's answer regarding deed restrictions in planned unit developments The committee will review Chapter 8 of the Gisconsin Administrative Code prohibiting storage of gasoline in underground tanks The co-onittee is awaiting answer from Town of Nortiay concerning _- w ine and water skiing on Win' Lake _t.,e comr:,ittee revie:,aed a communication from Building lnspecuor Lee regarding property located at W183 S7682 Kingston Drive Mr Lee o indicated that a re -wording of Section 3 03 (2)B (e) of the Zoning Oruinance could make its meaning clearer Ma \'Or Gottfried t0 nave City Attorney Buckley review the matter and t0 suggest re-�40roing of the section There being no further business, Aid Wallner moved to adjourn Seconded by Aid Tomczyk Motion carried The meeting adjourned at 10 00 P M Respe ufuliy s omitted, Aid Tfzyk�� Rules. Laws & Ordinance Comimii_tee