RLO19780913G - H • RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pienkos. Also present were Aldermen Wallner, Tomczyk and Van Lanen and Mayor Gottfried. Ald. Tomczyk moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 8/9/78. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion carried. • Mr. John Kraemer, S76 W18538 Kingston Drive, questioned the committee regarding excessive noise from motorboats. Ald. Pienkos advised that at this time there are no specific laws regarding muffler systems. Ald. Pienkos suggested that the City Attorney be contacted to see if boats with excessively loud mufflers could be prohibited from using the lake and whether or not he could determine what would be considered excessive noise by using a decible meter. Mayor Gottfried was directed to write to the Town of Norway for in- formation concerning fishing and skiing hours on Wind Lake. Mrs. Dorothy Stickney, Parkland Drive, appeared to ask the committee why the Building Inspector had issued building permits for storage sheds when deed restrictions in the Parkland Subdivision do not permit such sheds. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that the city has •opinions from City Attorney Buckley advising us that we have no legal ability to enforce such deed restrictions. Mr. Stickney indicated that a majority of the homeowners in the subdivision, at a recent meet- ing, reaffirmed the desire not to permit the construction of storage sheds in the subdivision. Mayor Gottfried was directed to discuss the matter with City Attorney Buckley to see if further clarification is possible. Mr. Allen Ruehle appeared before the committee to advisA them that a boathouse has been built on property adjacent to his, which in his opinion, is in violation of the city's ordinance. Mrs. Ruehle advised the committee that on July 26th Building Inspector Lee stated that the height of a boathouse is limited to 10' above the waterline and that he later changed his interpretation of the ordinance. Mr. and Mrs. Ruehle further advised the committee that in their opinion the home which is being constructed on the lot is 42' from the shoreline and not the 50' as required. Mayor Gottfried was directed to request a written opinion from City Attorney Buckley as to how the ordinance should be interpreted. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that he would also discuss the matter with Building Inspector Lee and advise the committee of his findings, in writing. The committee indicated they would view the property in question on September 16th. The committee will discuss a modelordinance regarding direct sales at the next meeting. •Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that Mr. Buckley has indicated that, in his opinion, Ch. 9.07 and 20.07(2)(a) should cover most of the problems regarding excessive noises by motorboats and the problems of motorized vehicles on ice rinks. The committee is awaiting responses from surrounding communities regarding underground gas tanks. ' Model Ordinance on Occupancy Code will be discussed at the next meeting. 0 There being no by Ald. Pienkos RT/je further business Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn. Seconded . Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. Respe tfully su mted, Ald. Ra ph R. Tomczyk, ee.