The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pienkos at 8:57 P.M. Also
present were Committee Members Wallner, Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried and
Police Chief Kraus.
Ald. Pienkos moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried.
The committee discussed the Model Ordinance Regulating Direct Sales
provided them by the Attorney General's Office. Mayor Gottfried
indicated that there has been a question of constitutionality of
many similar ordinances throughout the state and apparently the
model.ordinance is to remove that question of constitutionality.
The committee deferred action on the matter until its next meeting.
The committee reviewed the responses received from other communities
regarding excessive noises created by motorboats with improper exhaust
systems. Since no other communities had ordinances to resolve the
problem the committee directed Mayor Gottfried to discuss the matter
with City Attorney Buckley to see if he can suggest how the matter
could be resolved.
The committee reviewed the proposed ordinance regarding motorized
vehicles on ice rinks. They noted that the proposed ordinance was
much broader than originally intended. Ald. Tomczyk moved to defer
action until the next meeting of the committee. Seconded by Ald.
Wallner, motion carried.
Ald. Wallner moved to direct City Attorney Buckley to draft an amendment
to the Municipal Code which would rescind the requirement that all
applicants for Class "B" and Class "A" licenses as well Operators
Licenses be fingerprinted. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, motion carried.
Ald. Tomczyk moved to direct Mayor Gottfried to have City Attorney
Buckley prepare an ordinance which would amend Ch. 9.06 of the Municipal
Code regarding drunkiness. Seconded by Ald. Wallner. Chief Kraus
advised the committee that anyone found in the state of drunkiness
cannot be arrested but must be taken either home or to a detoxification
center. Motion carried.
.The committee is waiting for City Attorney Buckley to hear from Attorney
Buckley regarding an amendment to the Land Division Ordinance.
Ald. Wallner moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ralph R. Tomczyk, Sec'y.