The meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos. Also
present were Ald. Wallner, Building Inspector Lee, Mayor Gottfried,
Ald. Van Lanen, Mr. Orlo Zlensky and Jance Heckert.
Building Inspector Lee appeared before the committee requesting a
change in the Land Division Ordinance, Section 10.02. After discussion,
the committee directed Attorney Buckley to advise the committee as to
Mr. Lee's request of an amendment to Lai Division Ordinance, Section
10.2 to change the word "reapplication" to "application" and add a
reapplication fee amounting to five dollars ($5.00) which shall be paid
to the City Treasurer at the time a reapplication for approval of any
preliminary plat which has been previously reviewed Building Inspector
Lee will also contact Attorney Buckley to explain some of the difficul-
ties he has had with this ordinance. The committee is asking Mr.
Buckley's opinion as to whether another ordinance is required to change
the wording in the current ordinance.
Building Inspector Lee brought before the committee a request to change
Chapter 16 (Plumbing Code) under Section 16.05 since the state pro-
hibits the municipality from requiring bonds and certificates from
plumbing contractors. After discussion, Ald. Wallner moved, seconded
by Ald. Pienkos to have Attorney Buckley draft an ordinance repealing
Section 16.05 of Ch. 16 (Plumbing Code) requiring bonds or insurance.
Motion carried.
Building Inspector Lee brought before the committee needed amendments
to the Muskego Municipal Code, Chapter 30 (Building Code) (See
attached to. minutes.) After discussion, Ald. Pienkos moved, seconded by
Ald. Wallner, to direct City Attorney Buckley to draft the necessary
amendments to the Municipal Code. Motion carried.
The committee reviewed an ordinance from the Village of Fox Point
regarding an occupancy permit for changes of residences to determine
whether the city of Muskego should adopt a similar ordinance. The
committee deferred action on this matter until the next meeting so
that further review can be done on this matter.
Regarding Park and Recreation Director Steve Pischke's request for an
ordinance to keep motorized vehicles, of any type, off publicly
maintained skating areas on both Little Muskego Lake and Lake Denoon,
Ald. Pienkos will discuss with Mr. Pischke to find out what the Park
and Recreation Board has recommended.
Discussion on proposed Ordinance #346, regarding holding parents or
guardians responsible for violation of bicycle registration ordinance,
tookplace. Action was deferred until the next meeting when a rep-
resentative of the police department will be requested to appear to
discuss this matter further.
The committee received a "Model Ordinance Regulating Direct Sellers"
from the Attorney General, Bronson LaFollette's, office. Review and
discussion of this ordinance will take place at a future meeting.
Ald. Wallner moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:57 P.M.
�. MP/je
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y.
1. Page 15 - - Section 30.19 delete (1) General and recreate to
• read as follows: (1) General - - Foundation walls shall be
continuous under all habitable areas of principal buildings
including attached garage. Exception, overhanging bays and
projecting floors are permitted providing that such cantilevered
floors do not exceed four (4) feet. Cantilevered porches or
balconies may project six (6) feet provided they do not support
a roof, clear spaces of 8" must be provided between joist and
grade. In each case the joists must return twice the distance
ell they project. Construction engineering calculations shall be
submitted to the Building Inspector when requested.
2. Page 18 - - Section 30.26 delete the words All openings in
masonry walls, and recreated to read "Lintels supporting Masonry".
3. Page 19 - - Section 30.29 (3) create (c) to read as follows:
Floor joists - - Factory constructed floor truss systems designed
to support a minimum live load of 40#s per square foot and bear-
ing the seal of a Wisconsin Registered Architect or Professional
Engineer may be used as an approved floor framing system.
4. Page 25 - - Section 30.33 (6) (h) Re -roofing, add the following
(after the words "will be allowed"). If additional layers of
roofing material are requested, calculations shall be submitted.
5. Page 36 - - Amend Section 30.39 by adding Paragraph (3) (f) to
clay thimble or a 22 GA steel sleeve equal to the area of the
flue liner shall be installed by the mason at the time the
chimney is built and before the next highest section of liner
is installed. The sleeve shall be sealed to the liner with
heat resistant cement or mortar and shall extend a minimum of
1" out of the masonry. The liner shall be sealed at the clean -
out opening. If more than one heating appliance is to be con-
nected to the chimney it shall be in accordance with Section 30.36
(6) (b) (9).
Whenever a new connection is made to an existing masonry chimney
a 22 GA steel sleeve shall be installed, sealed and inspected
before the heating appliance is connected.
All installations must be inspected and approved before any
appliance is put into operation.
6. Request changes to Chapter 30 of the Municipal Code (Building
Code) Section 30.29 (9) (e) The first paragraph should be
amended to read as follows: Factory constructed trusses may
be used as approved roof framing system. The plan shall indi-
cate the approval of the fastening system and a seal of a
Wisconsin Registered Architect or Professional Engineer. Trusses
shall be designed to carry a thirty (30) pound live load.