RLO19771214• RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 14, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Ford. Also present were Aldermen Wallner and Van Lanen, Police Chief Kraus, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Zlensky, Mrs. Heckert and Mrs. Van Lanen. As Ald. Van Lanen resigned as Committee Secretary, Chairman Ford agreed to assume that responsibility. Police Chief Kraus presented a revised Ordinance #337 which deals with emergency alarm systems and which is attached to these minutes. Ald. Wallner moved to recommend that the Common Council adopt the suggested amendments to Ordinance #337 which occur in Sections II and III. The motion was seconded by Ald. Ford and carried. The committee again discussed the -matter of a full -time -Mayor. Ald. Ford offered his opinion that the people of Muskego would -not support such a change at this point in time. Ald. Wallner and-Ald. Van Lanen disagreed and-Ald.-Ford suggested -that the best way to find out would be to place -the -matter -on the April ballot as -a referendum question. Ald. Wallner moved to defer action until the next committee meeting and -to invite all aldermen .to attend -and participate in the discussion. • The motion was seconded by-Ald. Van Lanen and carried: The committee also agreed -to -have Mayor Gottfried -gather information from neighbor- ing communities of -a similar .size to see whether they have full or parttime Mayors -and/or administrators and what their salaries are. r1 LJ Mr. and Mrs.- Orlo.Zlensky-appeared to again -express -their displeasure over -.the hours.of operation.of the Boxhorn Gun Club -and also the content on --the 7/27/77 committee minutes. They -also again suggested that the city consider phasing out the gun clubs. The committee took no action. As there was no further business to be brought.before the -committee, Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn-at-9:43 P.M. - Seconded by Ald. Wallner. Motion carried. RF/je Respectful s itted, Ron Ford, Secretary Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee