RLO197711150.0 0 • Ll RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 15, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 7:07 P.M. by Chairman Ford. Also present were committee members Van Lanen and Wallner, Mr. Orlo 'Zlensky Mrs. Heckert and Mr. Frank Narlock. Ald. Ford read the minutes of meeting held 10/24/77. To date, Chief Martin has not responded to information in minutes. To date, no information from Judge Wittbrot regarding the increase in fines and penalties. The committee discussed Mrs. Moreno's request -fora full time Mayor. Ald. Wallner-relayed that a full time -_administrator ought to be paid $20,000.00 - $25,000.00:' This. would insure that qualified candidates could apply -for the job:of mayor or--city-administrator. Ald. Ford indicated that -the system in Muskego is that of_a weak --mayor strong.council type of -government at the -present time.-- A1d. Wallner_.stated he -felt the -mayor -was -strong -and -the council 'was weak. Ald. Ford stated he feels a mayor change for a full time mayor should come --from the voters andcitizensof Muskego. Ald. Wallner-suggested Norman -Gill be invited to -a meeting -to discuss: the possibility. of -a full time mayor. Mr: 'Zlensky discussed the.Muskego Gun Club. Mr. "Zlensky stated that -he -objected to the 7/27/77-Rules, Laws & Ordinance minutes of the -meeting.. He stated the compromise was made between Mr. -Bennett and Mayor -Gottfried. Mr. 'Zlensky stated his objections were not in the 7/27/77 minutes. He strenuo..sly objected to the compromise between Mr. Bennett and Mayor Gottfried regarding the hours of operation. Ald. Wallner and Ald. Ford discussed the alternatives and ways to keep Mr. Bennett from getting bigger. Mr. Zlensky stated he is aware of the possibility of being phased out some day because of his business. Ald..Ford asked of committee members had discussed the sign ordinance. He hoped it could be discussed at the next meeting. Ald. Ford moved to adjourn at 7.26 P.M Meeting adjourned at 7:27 P.M. TJVL/je Rules, Seconded by Ald. Wallner. ful ws Or in Committee