RLO19770915• RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 15, 1977 Meeting was called to order at 8:15 P.M. • Present: Acting Chairman Wallner Ald. Van Lanen Mrs. Heckert Mrs. Van Lanen • Ordinance #328 was read by the committee. A1d.FWallner moved to /sap ove Ordinance #328. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried 2- Letter from C. L. Ziegler was read by Acting Chairman Wallner made a motion Heckert be hired as a secretary to to meetings. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen for this motion is based on giving th elected to do. ee and placed o f�1e. u :o : the committee th Mr .kanice sminutes at all ,9 ncil d Committee motion carried 2-0. The rationale Aldermen time to do he job they were Ald. Wallner moved that all City/6f Muskego Alde a is Committee meetings be tape recorded. The tapes would//then be held in he ody of the City Clerl and retained in the City Hall �4ault for a per/ d of three years. Motion seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried 2- Memo dated 7-27-77 from Mr.;Pischke was r d by'thd committee and placed on file. �� � The committee discussed /he Milwaukee 'ourna Article of 7-27-77, regarding "Public Kept From Lakes, Study Says%" Ald. allner moved that the Rules, Laws.& Ordinance Commi tee be supplied wi a map showing the 18 public tax supported accesses on ittI u e r�l ake. These maps should also be made available to Muskego taxp ers a n al fee. Motion seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion c, rie 2-0. Letter to Mr. Rich�rd Be•nett, rom Mayor Gottfried was read by the committee and placed on file'. After a lengthy And heated cussion the committee recommended to the Commor Council to disa prove the p posed Ordinance regulating Emergency Alarm Systems. The easoning is based on ambiguities in the Ordinance. • A motion was /ade by Ald. Wallner for the Common Council's consideration on this matter. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried 2-0. Mrs. Van Lanen requested of the committee that they check the State Statutes regarding t}le heating and other requirements for the care of animals in the custody of fhe humane officer. i Ald. Wallner moved to have the Common Council appoint a committee of 3 Aldermen to investigate the feasibility of an administrative type government for Muskego. Motion seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried 2-0. AIA. Van Lanen moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Wallner. Meeting.,adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, TVL/pjr Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. September 23, 1977 • TO ALL ALDERMEN FROM: MAYOR GOTTFRIED Gentlemen. In your mail box you have been provided a copy of the minutes of the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee meeting • which was held on September 15, 1977, which I feel needs to be brought to your attention. As you know, I feel strongly about the need to protect the autonomy of the individual committees, however, there are times, because of lack of knowledge of procedure, etc., things are done in committee which are not proper. As you all know, when the minutes of the committees are accepted by the Common.Council the Council is giving approval of all actions by that committee. Because of the problems with the minutes I must recommend that they not be accepted by you. This recommendation is based on the following reasons: In the first paragraph, Ordinance ##328 was adopted by a unanimous vote of the Council on July 12, 1977. • In the third paragraph, the committee hired Mrs. Heckert to take the minutes at Council and committee meetings. Obviously, they do not have the authority to do so. In the fourth paragraph, they directed that all committee meetings be tape recorded. This decision can only be made by the committees themselves or by formal action of the Council. In paragraph six, they discuss the status of the public accesses on Little Muskego Lake. Several years ago the Common Council put the accesses under the jurisdiction of the Park and Recreation Board and any .request for location of accesses should be made to the Park Board. In the second to the last paragraph, the committee directed the Common Council to appoint a committee of three aldermen to investigate the feasibility of an administrative type government. The committee does not have the authority to direct the Council to do anything. If the Council were receptive to this type of committee it probably would require formal action. As I stated above, I am sure the improper actions which were taken by the committee was because of the lack of know- ledge of procedure and our own rules of procedure. I sincerely • trust the members of the committee understand my reasons for recommending rejection of their minutes. JJG/je and Alderman aS "'al_ner TE: September 27, 1977 In rECO r_yir:t' the minutes tES 0- the Pules, La%,,s, & Crdirarce Com- mittee ^eetinE or September 15, 1977, ar: error %,gas -ade ?r, line One. 71-:e O-Oin..ance at hand `.,as discussed not read. T i -Y: the G.. .. r2r 4Lr Grh • alders:an "a.1lr.er moved to Ci SaTPrro Ve rrd1 '�3 _ _ r r.a-:ce �_,� no' ; 72Q. SEccr;ded by cE--14r: "e^. Lar=er.. "he reason_nC for the diSa DrvVal dates b2.Cii to the July 27, 1Q77, 'u'es, Lay.'s, C_ Crdinance meeting 2rd on the fact that the pe=its do not contain information "h re ardinE �-- € .� ,,:,e rei�ht of t^eE �rucY, nor the Cc^aC1ty Of refuse 1t can Carry. The name Of the CCr:,Dary End/or dri Ver Should also arpEar On the T.?ErSiii t. �i )' I'lOni tGrin� of ur-ucl7s Eo-in€ to the du,?D _nd1 Cates the same dril'E'_"'S. .z CGty of the . � -LOtiId also be rEta fired by t';E Ci ty . • .T.�_:2 feed fOr t�._s ir.fcr:nati on `J1aF -"2dEEr:t a� 2 ;.ElfarE -`-a held on _-.:C...Si 10, 1077, ci c- d'_SC'..551 G^ 1':_th rC_ .-... lG fill•�� GS •(_.S e _an a-E'. en. Gl isGG"�:s n. ''e'`'^._(-i Ei is Gl ._ _ l:.e Jr t' pis trl Ct in Gi cated to ,: e dUri`?E the SE Cor:C v.e E? _ o f ._ 1 +st afor S'rider cOntrOls Or co--mmeriCal ref%,,se hau.lers. ^E COi'_S]ittEE Celie'iES T' ^G, _l E E_y is too `ine a cecre'tary c'nd _ty tC be exreci.ed to i=}E t it � -_.... at .Oti1-C__ F� c EEC w 1. _=Ected to G fnd _Gi' _.=Ch -CE ._ -1_ i.:E C_._ �.GZ �. `i"C�I S',"`C, �.lE •i Gy ,� -- - =✓ � _._..c. ,....__ dal �7.Er .., a.GE a t.G- -_ t:_ .. G_ V-; =eccr.de - - _ r - • _ l 2_. c 1 isG:. t "':..re l G G the +\c:r" . G ll J". GGTI.a '�GU C. ..c "e }-:e En Tare se_:t at the .E-p te*-:ber 15, 1977, .Gct1Y:— a DTOpOS2l v:ould have been glade that the - ark L Recreation ?oa<rd furnish the • co-7m.)1 ttee 1':ith the information pertaininF, to the tax supported public accesses on Little "u:ske€o Lake. i C'^Ce a-ain In the second last pa_raLra_ h of the minutes xld- erT'-an ''allner "n DVed. t0 have tfie Co-, on CGiJn Cil 2DD01nt 2 COP..nl ttee or ? Alde, en to _r esticate the ie2sibllity of an adninistratl Ve • type Eovern:men t for TAU Sk e;_O". _Alderman l'�allner made a motion (prODosal), seconded by _:lderr..an I!2I7 T en, tie did :"e0t direct anythinE as stated in the ':'.ayor's letter, second last paraEraph. it apnears that it is the Common Council's decision to decide if improper actions did indeed take place. If the Corson Council believes i;-proper actions took place, the Co:' iPl ee that met o:"_ .C,eptember 15, 1977, %-as not 'he only one Culpable accordlnc; to par- aL aDh i`.'+'o of the ayor's meno. "There are ti%:es, because of lack of 1-nowledEe of procedure etc., thinks are done in Col mi t tee Y;hich are not nro_rer". It seems most aldermen need orientation to rr0_^e'_" • L,r oCedUre. ''or e :a-mple, wouldn't "Dr Oper procedure" require all Id r^an, 1C Chair —en to ha',,-e a`endas S th y ss fated t3 .e �_ttornE, General 10 i',eeks aEo. g r E ncr ? Cd:nOt receive the bci":cfit Of some Of the other elder—men's wisd= 2S to "DrOCCIf Ure ar GUT GP:n rc es OF '_"oCedUre" __ the;% don't 2':Tear at re�;l� alder%: 2I'.1C CC_ lttce "lEe tiny= . C'I= c22'tcT. t-.er 15, IW7, in ica_i"_,"i i_ 2rr_Ve With the :.02.^..1 t teE ­;cE T-� hLEfida, le d2C1C2d it \:2s 1n i. `,e .^,Est interest of the Gytj, Gf _�'G. E,T e L o '.,O prc Ceed as i%e did. 0