The meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by Acting Chairman
Wallner. Also present were Mayor Gottfried, Ald. Van Lanen and
Chief Kraus. Citizens in attendance were Mrs. Hoppe, Mrs. Nelson,
Mrs. Van Lanen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wollman, and Mr. La Fever.
isMr. La Fever of W192 S7415 Richdorf Drive requested that the committee
consider the adoption of an ordinance which would require the proper
maintenance of yards. He explained that his two neighbors choose not
to mow their back lawns, thus leaving it in its natural state. Fie
explained tnat the weed commissioner has reviewed the property and
indicated no noxious weeds were present. The committee reviewed with
Mr. La Fever the recent court decision which ruled invalid a similar
ordinance in the City of New Berlin. however, the matter will be re-
ferred to Building Inspector Lee to determine whether or not there is
a violation of the housing code. If a violation exists, Hr. Lee will
take the necessary action to correct the problem. The Committee also
directed Mayor Gottfried to request an opinion from Attorney Buckley
to determine what avenues are open to the City to help resolve the
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file,
subject to the following amendment regarding the hours which the
• Muskego Gun Club will be open: Sundays, April thru September,
beginning 1978 -- 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
The Committee reviewed with Chief Kraus the proposed ordinance (copy
attached) regulating, emergency alert systems (Section 12.18 of the
Municipal Code). Mayor Gottfried discussed the possibility of incor-
porating the fees into the City's Electrical Code. Ald. Van Lanen
moved to direct City Attorney Buckley to prepare the necessary ordin-
ance which would provide for an emergency alarm system in the City.
Seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion carried.
The Committee discussed with Chief Kraus a suggestion 'to amend the
Municipal Code to provide for a fee for the disposal of unwanted
animals. Tne proposed amendment would give the citizens an opportun-
ity to determine whether they wanted the animals disposed of by the
City's humane officer for $4.00 or a veterinarian for $8.00. Mayor
Gottfried indicated that by charging a fee for the disposal of un-
wanted animals, the City could .incur additional costs by those people
who simply dropped off unwanted animals rather than pay for their dis-
posal. Mrs Van Lanen indicated to the Committee that the City could
possibly save up to $1,500 by directing owners of unwanted animals to
HAFTS. At the present time, it is ti:e policy of the Police Department
to direct owners of unwanted animals to the Muskego humane officer
for disposal. Mrs. Van Lanen discussed the difference between strays
and unwanted dogs for the committee. Mayor Gottfriec suggested no
• change in the present ordinance. however, he indicated that when an
owner of an unwanted animal cama to the Police Department, he could be
advised of the three options for disposal of the animal: (1) By the
City's humane officer, at no charge; (2) By HAWS, at no charge;
(3) By a veterinarian at the owner's expense. he further indicated
that the owners of the animal should be advised of the method used by
the City for disposing of animals. It was agreed that any policy
implemented by the Police Department should be delayed to give members
of the Council an opportunity to voice their opinion if they wish.
Mayor Gottfried suggested that those individuals concerned with the
City's present policy regarding disposal of unwanted animals could
prepare an informational sheet on the options open to those who wish
to dispose of their unwanted animals.
Heating of the dog kennel used by the City of Muskego was discussed
and will be considered at the time the budget for 1078 is prepared.
Ala.�Ford assumed chairmanship at 9:30 P.M.
Mayor Gottfri.eci discussed with the Committee the need to amens Ordin-
ance 195 to remove the requirement that 3" high permit numLers be
painted on truck doors. Ald. Wallner moved to recommend deletion of
Page 2 - Rules, Laws and Ordinance
August 10, 1977
the above requirements. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried.
The Committee acknowledged receipt of a letter from Park and Recrea-
tion Director, Steve Pischke regarding the present ordinance regula-
ting activities in City -owned parks, and placed on file. The matter
will be discussed at the next meeting.
Review of Chapter 17, Zoning Code, as it relates to signs, will be
continued at the next meeting.
Ald. Ford discussed with the Committee the need to post rules and
regulations for the use of boats on lakes within the City at public
launching sites. fie indicated that this requirement is established
by State law. He indicated that an excerpt from the boating ordin-
ance listing the specific rules and regulations be placed on a sign
near the launching site. Discussion on this matter will be continued
at the next meeting.
Ald. Ford moved to adjourn,seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned, at 9:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Thomas Van Lanen, Secy.