RLO19770727RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 27, 1977 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ford at 8:10 P.M.. Also present were committee members Wallner and Van Lanen, Alderman Pienkos, Mayor Gottfried and Building Inspector Lee. The committee acknowledged receipt of a petition from 420 Muskego • residents regarding the hours of operation of the Boxhorn's Big Muskego Gun Club. Ald. Ford reviewed for those present the status of the matter and discussions which had been held at the previous committee meetings. After considerable discussion the committee agreed that they did not wish to amend the Municipal Code as it relates to the operation of gun clubs, etc. but would rather discuss with Mr. Bennett the possibility of reducing his hours of operation since his club was the one primarily involved in the complaints. Mayor Gottfried indicated that it might be possible to establish hours for Mr. Bennett at the time his license is issued, however, that would have to be discussed with the city attorney for his opinion. Mr. Bennett reviewed once again the operation of his gun club and his hours of operation and referred to a letter previously sent to the committee. Mr. Bennett indicated that he would be happy to consider some compromise, however, closing at 9:30 P.M. would cause a great financial hardship for him. After further discussion during which Ald. Pienkos raised several questions and Mrs. Hendrickson, Mrs. Zlenske and Mrs. Gultch expressed their views Mr, Bennett agreed to the following hours of operation During April, May and June Monday thru Saturday) July through March 10:00 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. 10:00 A.M. to 10:00,P.M. It was also agreed that beginning April of 1978, thru September, Sunday hours of operation would be from 10.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. During the rest of the months the Sunday hours of operation would be from 1R OO.A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Mr. Bennett indicated that because of special events he might have to request an occasional variance bf those hours and he further agreed that although the new hours are purely voluntary he would make every effort to follow them Ald, Ford thanked those in attendance for coming and expressed his sincere hope that the new hours would satisfy as many people as possible. The committee agreed to send a letter to Mr. Bennett specifying the times and dates agreed upon. Building Inspector Lee appeared before the committee to discuss the status of the water table of the City of Muskego and the results of data he has begun to compile regarding depth of wells, static pressure of wells, --etc. in various areas of the city. Chairman Ford suggested that perhaps SEWRPC could assist the city with gathering additional information as a result of their recent study of the Mt. Sinai water tables. He further stated that they might be able to help us predict what might happen to the shallower water tables in the next rive years. It was generally agreed that the city must continue to do all it can to protect our water supplies, particularly the wetland floodplains and low areas The minutes of the meeting held July 13, 1977, were reviewed. Ald. Van 'Lanen moved to amend the minutes to indicate that the meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Wallner. Seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion carried. Minutes were placed on file. Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee July 27, 1977 - Page 2. The committee will review a communication from the Safety Committee regarding the possibility of amending that portion of the Municipal Code relating to the handling of unwanted animals by the Humane Officer. The matter will be discussed at the next meeting. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that an amendment to the ordinance Isrelating to hauling trash, etc. will have to be amended to provide for a different type of identification sticker. Mayor Gottfried provided the committee with recommended amendments to Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code (sign regulations). The suggested changes will be reviewed at a future meeting. A1d.Van Lanen moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. • TJV/je 0 Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Van Lanen, Seely. Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee