The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ford at 8:02 P.M. Also
present were Aldermen Wallner, Pienkos and Van Lanen, Mr. and Mrs.
Orlo Zlensky, Miss Kathy Horton, Librarian.
to Mr. and Mrs. Zlensky appeared at the meeting once again to discuss
the hours of operation of trap shooting as contained in the city's
Firearms Ordinance as compared to that of the Waukesha Gun Club. They
expressed concern as to the volume of shooting taking place at the Big
Muskego Gun Club and the amount of traffic (semi -trucks) to the gun clubs
in the spring and summer. The committee noted that the Waukesha Gun Club,
although privately owned, was a non-profit organization. Following
extensive discussion and comments from Mr. and Mrs. Zlensky, Ald. Ford
indicated that an indepth discussion of the operation of the gun clubs
in the City of Muskego, including hours of operation, would be con-
sidered at their meeting to be held July 13, 1977.
Miss Kathy Horton, City Librarian, appeared at the meeting to discuss
the problems the Library is experiencing with overdue material, vandalism,
etc. The matter of the possibility of the Librarian issuing citations
will be referred to City Attorney Buckley for further clarification.
The committee was in agreement that it would not be worthwhile to issue
• citations under $25.00.
The matter of inter -library loans (between City of Muskego and Milwaukee
and Madison) was discussed in relation to the city's responsibility to
pay for books not returned or overdue from them. Miss Horton also
indicated that some books, magazines and pamphlets cannot be replaced.
The committee agreed that in its communication with City Attorney
Buckley they would like to revise the suggested ordinance to include
the steps presently being taken by the Library to have overdue books
returned and that a citation would be issued only after those steps
have been complied with.
Ald. Ford moved to recommend Council approval of Ordinance #329 which
would waive the requirement for applicants for bartender's licenses
for the sale of intoxicating liquors and fermented malt beverages
to submit a health certificate. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion
The committee discussed the feasibility of an ordinance regulating
water usage using an ordinance used in the City of Mequon as a guide.
Ald. Ford moved to have Building Inspector Lee do a study regarding
the current level of water tables and future city requirements.
Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried. Mr. Lee will be requested
to attend the next meeting of the committee to discuss the matter.
• Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Wallner. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:57 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y.
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee