RLO19770615i • RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 15, 1977 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ford at 8:10 P.M. Also present were committee members Van Lanen and Wallner, Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Dumke and Pienkos, Building Inspector Lee, City Attorney Buckley, several citizens and gun club operators. Ald. Ford explained to those present that the committee had received a recommendation from the Welfare Committee to review the city's Firearms Ordinance and more particularly that section relating to the licensing of gun clubs. He noted that the committee had specifically recommended no shooting on Sunday and that the hours of operation be shortened. He further indicated that the review of that particular ordinance would probably take a great deal of time and that certainly no changes would be made immediately. However, the city is interested in obtaining as much information from the gun club owners as well as interested citizens regarding the matter. Several citizens spoke and urged the committee to consider reducing the number of hours particularly on Sunday. Each of the gun club owners reviewed with the committee their operation including whether • they have lights and the hours that they operate. They all indicated that their.busiest time is on Sunday and that there is a great reduction of shooting during the winter months. After a great deal of discussion it appeared that there was a willingness of the gun club operators to discuss with the committee some changes in that provision of the ordinance relating to the hours of operation. Members of the committee agreed to accept the invitation of Mr. Richard Bennett, owner of Boxhorn's Big Muskego Gun Club, to visit the area to help them better understand the problems. Those present were assured that they will be notified of any proposed changes which might be considered by the committee. Building Inspector Lee presented to the committee the proposed flood - plain ordinance suggested by HUD. He indicated that to assure contin- uation of our eligibility for flood insurance adoption was necessary. He recommended that the suggested ordinance be adopted and that any changes felt necessary could be made at a later date. Ald. Van Lanen moved to recommend to the Common Council. adoption of the model fl.00dplain ordinance in order that the city residents can continue to qualify for federal floodplain insurance Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried with Ald. Wallner voting "no". Building Inspector Lee requested that the committee recommend changes in the Uniform Building Code which provides for an alternative for chimneys in the event electrical heat is used. Ald Wallner moved to recommend to the Common Council adoption of the recommended amendment. Seconded by •Ald. VanLanen,motion carried. Ald. Wallner suggested that the aldermen review the Uniform Building Code with Building Inspector Lee Nome time in the future. The committee reviewed City Attorney Buckley"s letter recommending certain changes in the Municipal Code which would permit the issuance of a citation by the Librarian in the event of vandalism and failure to return property to the Library. The committee discussed at length the problems she is experiencing. Mrs. Janice Heckert related a problem she had had regarding the matter. The committee requested Librarian Kathy Horton to appear at its next meeting to discuss once again the proposed ordinance. Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee June 15, 1977 - Page 2 The committee reviewed a letter from the Welfare Conmiittee suggesting that they review the sewer service charge present; being paid by • the Muskego Fine Arts, Inc. After much di.scussiou, Ald. Ford moved to deny the request of the Muskego Fine Arts, Inc %or the elimination or reduction of their sewer usage charge, however, the committee might be receptive to an annual grant in a similar amount to defray the cost. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried. Ordinance ##329 regarding the removal of the requirement of a health certificate was reviewed by the committee Ald Van Lanen moved to defer action on the matter. Seconded by Ald Wallner, motion carried. Ald. Pienkos discussed with the committee the possibility of providing for emergencies in the case of drought, the enforcing of regulations of water in those areas where community wells have been installed and the possibility of having all new water trustees come to the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee for guidance and counseling regarding the operation of the trusts. Ald Ford noted that the committee does have a copy of the Mequon ordinance regarding the regulation of the • use of water as well as correspondence from City Attorney Buckley regarding the matter. He also indicated that less government controls are better than more controls. Copies of the Pdequon ordinance and communication from the city attorney will be given to all members of the committee in order that they can discuss the matter it their next meeting. Ald. Wallner presented an article from the Milwaukee Journal regarding graduated taxes on mining, however, he indicated that some other committee might more properly look into the emitter. Ald. Ford moved to adjourn, seconded by Al.d. Van Lanen. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10 47 P.M Respecefully's binitted, Thomas Van Lanen; , Rule:, L.,ws Rc..Ur:ii nce, Committee TVL/je •