The meeting was called to order at 9:20 P.M. by Acting Chairman
Constantineau. Also present were Aldermen Wallner, Pienkos, Mayor
Gottfried and Building Inspector Lee.
Also present were several citizens interested in the revision of
Ordinance #305. (Re: Holding tanks)
Mrs. McColly, S68 W12663 Woods Road, appeared at the meeting and
gave a presentation to the committee expressing her feelings about
open burning in the city. She indicated that on several occasions
she has been subjected to the nusiance of open burning, particularly
that of plastics. She presented a resolution which requested that
the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee recommend to the Common Council
to prohibit all burning within the city except by permit and further
that violators receive a heavy fine or imprisonment. The committee
deferred action on the matter until its next meeting in order that
they can gather information from the police department, etc. to
determine the number of burning complaints received and further to
review state laws regarding the matter.
• The committee reviewed an opinion from City Attorney Buckley regarding
the possibility of placing the cost of pumping holding tanks in the
event it is not taken care of by the homeowner on the tax roll.
Following considerable discussion regarding the pros and cons of
changing the present requirement of a $1,000.00 cash bond to that
of a surety bond , Ald. Wallner moved to recommend to the Common
Council to direct City Attorney Buckley to amend Ordinance #305 by
changing the present requirement of the $1,000.00 cash bond with
that of a $1,000.00 surety bond. Seconded by Ald. Constantineau,
motion carried.
Ald. Constantineau moved to recommend to the Common Council that the
city release monies presently held as required by Ordinance #305 to
the homeowner as soon as a $1,000.00 surety bond approved by the
city attorney has been received. Seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion
The meeting recessed in order that several problems could be discussed
by the Welfare Committee. The meeting reconvened at 11:20 P.M.
Building Inspector Lee discussed with the committee the suggestion
• that recertification of lot grades be required. He pointed out that
Greendale does its own surveying and that most communities do not
require certification. The matter was deferred until the next meeting.
The committee reviewed the legal opinion received from City Attorney
Buckley regarding the possibility of the city regulating the use of
water in times of emergency and particularly the possibility of the
city becoming involved in the problems of the Hale Park Water Trust.
Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact City Attorney Buckley for
a clarification of his opinion.
,The meeting adjourned at 11:57 P.M.
\ Respectfully submitted,
Leslie J. Constantineau, Sec'y.
Runless,, Laws & Ordinance Comm.