The meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by Ald. Constantineau.
Also present was Ald. Wallner, Mayor Gottfried and Building Inspector
Building Inspector Lee reviewed with the committee the present
ordinances which the city has used to control the construction
of fences. After considerable discussion it was generally agreed
that the present regulations are adequate and that any additional
regulations could create many problems including the descriptions of
permitted fences and inspection time.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
The committee is still waiting to hear from City Attorney Buckley
regarding the problems involved if they were to consider the request
of the trustees of the Hale Park Meadows water system to regulate
water use, etc.
The committee reviewed the proposed ordinance submitted by Attorney
Buckley regarding the issuance of citations for violations of ordinances
other than those for which a statutory counterpart exists and reviewed
with the Building Inspector his suggested forfeitures. Ald. Constantineau
moved to have the City Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance. Sec-
onded by Ald. Wallner, motion carried.
The committee reviewed a letter from City Attorney Buckley in which
he indicated that the addition of brothersand sisters to the sub-
standard lot section of the municipal code would not be contrary to
the decision recently handed down by Judge Gramling. Ald. Constantineau
moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary amendment.
Seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion carried.
The committee reviewed a request from the Police Department for the
adoption of an ordinance which would regulate the operating of motor
vehicles on premises held out to the public for the use of private
vehicles. Ald. Wallner moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare
the necessary implementing ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Constantineau,
motion carried.
• The committee reviewed with Building Inspector Lee the need for an anti -
litter ordinance and considered a similar ordinance presently used in
the City of Wauwatosa. Ald. Constantineau moved to direct City
Attorney Buckley to prepare an anti -litter ordinance. Seconded by
• Ald. Wallner, motion carried.
The committee reviewed a request from Police Chief Kraus that an
ordinance be drafted to regulate and control outlying rafts on lakes
within the city. The proposed ordinance would involve all rafts which
are anchored 200 feet or more from the shore line be marked with red
flags on each protruding corner for daylight observation and at least one
360 degree light which can be observed from 500 feet away for night
observation. In addition each such raft should display the full name of
the owner in lettering at least 3 inches high. It was the opinion of
the committee that although they agreed desuggested ordinance would be
helpful the use of red flags for daytime observation was not necessary.
Ald. Wallner moved to direct Attorney Buckley to draft the necessary
implementing ordinance. Seconded by Ald. Constantineau, motion carried.
Rules, Laws & Ordinance
City of Muskego
July 28, 1976
The committee discussed with Building Inspector Lee problems relating
• to the establishment of proper grades for new residential construction.
Mr. Lee indicated that the grades are established by the developer
and approved by the city, however, since he does not have the man-
power to check each individual grade at the time construction begins
errors are possible. He further indicated that any change in the
previously approved grade must be acceptable to the developer as well
as the city. The committee agreed that the checking of grades of
each new residence would impose a burden on the Building Inspection
Department and it was suggested that the City of Muskego might want
to consider the adoption of an ordinance requiring recertification
of the grade by a surveyor prior to the construction of the basement.
Building Inspector Lee will contact surrounding communities for
suggested ordinances.
Ald. Constantineau moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion
carried. The meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Jerome J. Gottfried, Acting Sec'y.