The meeting was called to order by Ald. Wallner at 8:40 P.M. Also
present were Ald. Constantineau, Building Inspector Lee, Mayor
Gottfried and Ald. Pienkos.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
Discussion by
deferred for
committee can
the committee on a proposed anti -litter ordinance was
two weeks in order that review of materials sent to the
be made.
The committee discussed with Building Inspector Lee the need for
improving the city's regulation of fencing. Mr. Lee presented a
list of his suggestions and will give copies to the committee for
their review by the next meeting.
Mr. Dave Warhanek and Mr. Tom Meinholz appeared before the committee
to discuss the possibility of the city taking some action which would
help them assure compliance of the Water Trust's regulations by the
residents of Hale Park Meadows during times of emergency. They
explained that the well in Hale Park Meadows is in need of repair
• and that they intend to sink a new auxiliary well in order that water
can be provided during the period of repair. It was indicated that
there are several residents who refuse to reduce their use of water
during these periods of emergency and are concerned that this lack
of cooperation could cost the Trust substantial amounts of money.
The committee discussed the many ramifications of getting involved
in what really is a private matter. The committee directed Mayor
Gottfried to contact City Attorney Buckley for his opinion on the
city's responsibilities towards the maintenance and use of community
wells and also whether or not the city can regulate the use of private
wells in times of emergency. The opinion is to answer the question
of whether or not the city can enforce sprinkling bans and other types
of regulations established by water trusts ... can the city involve itself
in the operation of a trust particularly on an emergency basis? Can
the city impose its will on the trust as it relates to regulations
governing the trust and can it impose fines on those people who make
up the trust who fail to obey the rules? Also, can the city take
over the water trust? The City Attorney is also to be asked if he
knows of any alternatives which might help solve the problem for the
Hale Park Water Trust.
The committee reviewed a communication from City Attorney Buckley
regarding a change in the city's procedures for prosecution of
• violators of the city's municipal code. The communication partic-
ularly suggested that violators will be brought before the city's
municipal justice rather than to the circuit court in Waukesha
whenever practical. Ald. Constantineau moved to authorize City
Attorney Buckley to draft the necessary amendments to the municipal
code. Seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 9:56 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie J. Constantineau, Sec'y.
� Laws & Ordinance Committee
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