RLO19721026RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO ` MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 26, 1972 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Foldy at 8:30 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Ford, Knudsen and Dumke and Building Inspector Lee. The following people appeared to voice complaints about the operation of the Big Muskego Gun Club: • Mr and Mrs. Walter Hendrickson complained of debris and pieces of clay pigeons in their woods where cows are kept. Sometimes pellets land in the woods also. They further complained that the gun club owners have graded their land 6`1hches lower than the Hendrickson's land right at the fence line thereby causing erosion. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bednarski object to the four new hand traps and also felt that some shooting was less than 500 feet from residences. Mrs. Theodore Christensen objected to the noise and questioned "who would be liable if someone using the lake were injured by pellets. Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller objected to the noise and to snowmobiles going to the gun club across their property and ruining trees. They also complained of people parking in front of their property and further wondered if the filling of the marsh done by the gun club had been approved by the DNR. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Betla objected to the noise and to further expansion.of the number of traps. Mr. Paul Benke objected to the three new mechanical traps and to any further expansion. Mr. Louis Ludwig objected to the noise and asked for sound barriers and more restrictive hours of operation. Mr. Wayne Weber objected to the three new traps. The committee will check the gun club operation before the next meeting. In other business the committee reviewed the proposed Swimming Pool Ordinance and approved changes in line with suggestions made by Building Inspector Lee. The committee suggested that Building Inspector Lee send copies of the proposed Fire Prevention Code to the two fire chiefs for review. We will then invite them to a future meeting for discussion. Ald. Ford moved to recommend that the Common Council adopt the 1973 State of Wisconsin Snowmobile Laws by reference. Seconded by Ald. Knudsen, motion carried. No action was taken regarding the Park and Recreation Rules as the committee is waiting to hear from Attorney Buckley who is drafting the ordinance. Ald. Knudsen moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Ford, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Re slxV4 tted, Ron Ford, Sec'y. Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee RF/je \