Chairman Foldy called the meeting to order at 8:45 P.M. Also present
were committee members Knudsen and Ford, Mayor Gottfried and Chief Kraus.
A discussion was held regarding the question of whether or not the city
might specify the number of traps being licensed for trap and skeet
shooting. Ald. Ford requested time to discuss the matter with the operators
involved before any further discussion.
• Ald. Ford agreed to obtain a copy of the Town of Norway Boating Ordinance
so that it can be compared with the Muskego Ordinance. State law requires
that when two or more units of government have jurisdiction on a lake,
such as is the case with Lake Denoon, they must have a uniform Boating
Police Chief Kraus agreed to get Attorney Buckley's opinion on whether
or not the State "Junk Car Law" will be able to be incorporated into our
City Ordinance.
The committee reviewed Attorney Buckley's draft of a Swimming Pool Ordinance.
The committee agreed to re -submit the draft to Attorney Buckley for revision.
Action on a Snowmobile Ordinance was deferred until after publication of
the new State Law in November.
A lengthy discussion was held regarding the "change in topography"
ordinance. The committee agreed that some measures were necessary to
prevent problems caused by the disturbance of natural drainage patterns
from new home construction and from land fills. Building Inspector Lee
suggested that he could better forsee potential drainage problems if
surveys included such information as grade points of adjacent lots and
the location of adjacent buildings. Ald. Ford suggested that the Building
Inspector and the Plan Commission members make a greater attempt to view
all proposed building sites before making decisions regarding such sites.
Everyone present agreed that the completion of a drainage plan for the
city is of paramount importance.
Ald. Ford suggested that land fills along Gold Drive at its intersection
with Gem Drive were in violation of the "change in topography" ordinance
because the fill is being allowed to erode into the city ditches. Building
Inspector Lee will view the sites and take any necessary action.
Ald. Knudsen expressed dismay over the small lots on School Drive that
were approved for home sites.
Action was deferred on the uniform fire code, the model parade ordinance
and the uniform traffic code.
Mr. Frank DeAngelis appeared to request that potential land purchasers
somehow be made aware of existing land dedications. Mayor Gottfried
will contact Attorney Buckley regarding the matter.
Ald. Ford. moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Foldy. Motion carried. The
meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M.
Res tfullz
Ron Ford, Sec'y.
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Comm.