The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Chairman Foldy.
Also present were Alderman Knudsen, Mayor Gottfried, Mr. George Vogel
representing the School Board and Mr. Paul Ussel, representing the High
School. Ald. Ron For arrived at 10:00 P.M.
Discussion was held relative to the problems created on school property
• and city park lands by operators of snowmobiles, mini -bikes and all -terrain
Mr. Vogel and Mr. Ussel both agreed that their major concern was the use
by these vehicles of the parking areas, roadways, land adjacent to the
buildings and the playground areas.
It was determined that the School Board adopt certain regulations as it
relates to the use of these areas as well as the possibility of establishing
hours. Chief Kraus agreed that on, the school adopted the necessary policy
his department could enforce it.
Mayor Gottfried agreed to correspond with City Attorney Buckley relative
to any liabilities the school might have once the policy is set.
• Mr. Vogel agreed to discuss with other members of the School Board the
possibility of permitting the several snowmobile clubs within the city to
establish proper trails on those areas which would not adversely affect
the schools.
The committee further discussed the existing Snowmobile 20rdinance and
decided that they would invite the presidents of the various clubs to one
of their future meetings to discuss the problems as well as the possibility
of some limitation of hours of operation. Some concern was express by
those present regarding the damage to the terrain by mini -bikes.
Mr. Frank DeAngelis appeared to discuss the Subdivision Control Ordinance
as it relates to dedication of lands. He suggested that whenever a division
of land takes place the prospective buyer, if known, be advised that road-
way is being taken by dedication. Mayor Gottfried will contact City Attorney
Buckley regarding liability by the city as it relates to this matter.
Police Chief Kraus questioned the ability of the Police Department to enforce
regulations created by the Park Board if they are not part of a city ordinance.
Mayor Gottfried will check with City Attorney.
•Ald. Dumke will be invited to the next meeting to discuss the proposed
changes in the Trap Shoot Ordinance.
Ald. Knudsen suggested that Ordinance #195 as it relates to fees for a Dump
Refuse License be amended so that charges are made on the basis of weight
per truck. He further suggested that $2.00 per ton was a realistic figure.
No action was taken.
• Ald. Knudsen
proper source
Action on the
was "deferred
brought up the problem of noise pollution. He will contact the
which might aid the committee in reaching a decision.
proposed Swimming Pool Ordinance and sample Parade Ordinance
until the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Jerome Gottfried, Acting Sec'y.
JJG/je \