Alderman Ford called t,,e meeting to order at 9:30 P.M. Also
present were committee member Ald. Knudsen and Mayor Gottfried.
Chairman Foldy was absent, but joined the meeting at 10:30 P.M.
Alderman Dumke appeared to recommend that the ordinance regu-
lating trap and skeet shooting be amended to read that shooting
hours be prohibited from 10:30 P.M. to 10:00 A.M., because of
citizen complaints. The matter was deferred until Ald. Dumke
can talk to the operators of the ranges.
The petition of Carl Wauer for a zoning change regarding render-
ing plans was deferred un=il after the public hearing. �--
Ordinance 216 concerning the fencing of permanent pools was
discussed. It was agreed that a separate ordinance should be
set up to cover pools. Committee members are to review sample
ordinances from other cities, and ma7�e a list of areas of concern
to present to Attorney Buckley for incorporation into an ordinance.
Ordinance 211 concerning accessory buildings was discussed.
/ Chairman Foldy agreed to clarify his question with Building
V Inspector Lee.
It was agreed that the committee should invite George Vogel and
Chief Kraus to the first meeting in July to discuss all -terrain
vehicles, minibikes and snowmobiles. (((,
14ayor Gottfried agreed to invite. Norb Theim of SEWRPC to the
next meeting to finalize the new land division ordinance.
The need for an ordinance governing the filling of abandoned
basements was discussed. Building Insp. Lee will be in•�ited to
appear at the next meeting to discuss the matter.,
Alderman Foldy moved to adjourn at 11:10 P.M., seconded by
Ald. Ford, motion carried.
1.1, e a p e f a"ly rsuim1.tted,
• Ronald Ford, Sec°y