RLO19720330ini'mTES or ask.'�u'�- ac am , ' s Fg
The meeting was called to order 8:45
P.M. by Uw^a. an Narlock. Also
present were Aldermen 17oldy,and D ike Rayor Gottfri : ,, Zoning Officer
Lee and Police Chief Kraus.
The minutes of the paevions meating ware read and approved and placed
on file.
proposed ordinance concerned snowmobiles to be deferred until
Attorney Buckley reviewed the latest statutes of t S to to of Wisconsin"
The recomended c1 o;,e to Ordinance #2117 cov=em n& accessory bujild x s $
Section 4.05 to e ds "1n the case of an accessoinl building not exceeding
100 sq. ft. in ground area and not more tin 7 feet in height or any
other permanent structure serving as ccersory use and not att tad to
the principal building on she .lot, e offaet and open area ra-qviiremmts
of the district in which ruoh stmictu e is 'located shall be pr`*ry .ate
within 3 -feet of the lot 13ine. and also to the rear of the vrhom �pi,al
building." .d. Folday moved :that the above be rec tided' to tudi.1.
Seconded by Aid. xl. c . motion carried.
Municipal Just-1we Wittbrot is Co be `nv -C-6 t . the next vieeti.. -
explain his request for &fie bonding of the Office of Clerk. of Municipal
The recomended revisions to the Zoning Ordinance, Section 6.0-6 of the
outdoor reerwational - fac-Mtie v7sts d:= Aussed and deferred urge 1 the
A letter from the Plan ns Commissian t7as rcD d aund discussed and it was
recommended that Worb ` hei e be .:eau sted to advise us. f the Legality
of waiving, the jurlsdAct ozaa1 ningI pavers on Uaod
not abuttiAg the city of
�1-1us age
AldlFpdy Moved
to, adjourn, seconded 1.3%7 i?d . rvntF:»h Adied
fie meeting do l ou .ed tst 9 9- 35 P.M.