Chairman Narlock called the meeting to order at 8:00 P.M. Also present
were Aldermen Foldy and Dwyer.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on November 12, 1970, were
approved and placed on file.
• The Committee reviewed the following items:
Ordinance #177 - Regulating the Storage and Use of Explosives Within the
City and Requiring a Permit Therefor. Chairman Narlock set the re-
scheduled Public Hearing date for this ordinance for January 14, 1971
at 8:00 P.M. in the City Hall. The Committee discussed the need of
an added exemption: the person who reloads shells, not for resale,
for hunting or target shooting. Foldy moved to have City Attorney
Buckley revise Sec. 12.15 (6) exemptions, to include the reloading of
shells for hunting or target shooting. Narlock seconded. Motion
carried. Mayor Gottfried to correspond with City Attorney Buckley
and to take action to publicize the Public Hearing.
Proposed Ordinance - Providing for payment of compensation to the
• Assistant City Attorney. Foldy moved to recommend the adoption of
this ordinance, as drafted, to the Common Council. Dwyer seconded.
Motion carried.
Proposed Ordinance - Nudity in Public Places Prohibited. The Committee
discussed the proposed ordinance which will amend Sec. 9.05 by adding
section (3) and Section 12.01 (4) by adding paragraph (j). Dwyer
moved to defer action on the proposed changes to January 14, 1971. Foldy
seconded. Motion carried.
A letter dated November 12, 1970, from City Attorney Buckley to Mrs.
Sands, Recording Secretary of the City Plan Commission, regarding the
proposed amendment to Section 8.10 (d) special provision, was read
and placed on file. The Committee is waiting for the Plan Commission
to take action on the proposal. Mayor Gottfried to communicate with
the Plan Commission.
The traffic survey dated November 19, 1970, which recommended a change
in speed limit on Lions Park Drive, and the elimination of the stop
sign on Oak Grove Drive, and the installation of a "Yield" sign, was
reviewed and placed on file.
A letter dated December 8, 1970, directed to Mayor Gottfried and the
Common Council from Mrs. Sands, Recording Secretary of the City Plan
Commission, requesting the Common Council to amend Section 6.02 (6)
with the addition of (E) which adopts an application for permit
procedure along with the required check lists, was reviewed and
placed on file.
Foldy moved to adjourn. Narlock seconded. Meeting adjourned at
8:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
CX't- F, ;D6&7 .
John E. Dwyer, Sec'y.
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee
City of Muskego