RLO19700827RULES, LAWS & COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 27, 1970 Chairman Narlock called the meeting to order at 8:45 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Foldy, Dwyer and Sapp, Police Chief Kraus and Mayor Gottfried. The minutes of the previous meeting held on July 30, 1970, were approved and placed on file. 0 The committee reviewed the following items: Accessory Building Zoning ordinance amendment - The committee discussed the proposed changes. Dwyer- moved to defer action on the amended ordinance to September 24, 1970. Narlock seconded. Motion carried. Ordinance to amend Chapters 12 and 17 regarding parking of trailers. The committee discussed the proposed changes. Narlock moved to defer action on the amended ordinance to September 24, 1970. Dwyer seconded. Motion carried. The committee has scheduled a public hearing on Sept. 22, 1970, at 7:15 P.M. on both the accessory building zoning ordinance amendment and the amendments to Chapter 12 and 17 regarding the parking of trailers. Animal ordinance amendments - Chief Kraus presented his report on the number of animals other than dogs that were impounded by the Humane • Officer. The committee reviewed the report and the proposed ordinance changes. Foldy moved to table the proposed changes to the animal ordin- ances. Narlock seconded. Motion carried. CJ 0- OmIIlOLLli I.LLmC DLLL vrulnance - r%evulremenLs Tina SLanaarU5 LOr DOLLUC officers - Chief Kraus recommended and foldy moved to recommend to the Common Council the adoption of the Omnibus Crime Bill Ordinance which establishes minimum requirements and standards for police officer training. Dwyer seconded. Motion carried. Gun Ordinance Amendment. Chapter 9.01 - Chief Kraus discussed with the committee the proposed changes to the Gun Ordinance which will prohibit the use of 22 caliber rifles or pistols using rim fired cartridges within the city limits. Foldy moved to recommend the adoption of the amended ordinance to the Common Council. Narlock seconded. Motion carried. rLOUVbWU UMILLY.C5 LO OLLLlillSnl:C VLG/ - Z 5V_1LvtltinmenL ULM UOLLCULLon OL Sewerage Service Charges. The committee discussed the proposed changes to Ordinance ;127 as recommended by the Public Sewer Committee. The ordinance forfeiture as written is "of not more than $100 for each day." The committee was of the opinion that the present forfeiture charge was neither too restrictive or unfair. Narlock moved to refer the proposed forfeiture payment schedule back to the Sewer Committee for review. Dwyer seconded. Motion carried. Dedicated land requirement for new on the proposed ordinance which will require and dedicate to the public, adequate land to park and recreation needs of the subdivision. action on the proposed ordinance to Sept. 10, Motion carried. ns - A discussion was held the subdivider to provide provide for the school, Foldy moved to defer 1970. Dwyer seconded. A letter from Mayor Gottfried to City Attorney Buckley regarding proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance which would establish a period of one year for O.P.D. approval as a conditional grant was read and placed on file. Ordinance #177 - Regulating the operation of snowmobiles in the City of Muskego. The committee is waiting for an opinion from Attorney Buckley on what the city's liability would be if snowmobiling were allowed in city parks. Mayor Gottfried to correspond with City Attorney Buckley. Dwyer moved,\to adjourn. Foldy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. R sp�ctf ly submitted, oG� _ �� 7ohn E. Dwyer Sec'y. mTT 4Q T AWC t. AUnTIJAMOV VnMW