RLO19700716RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 16, 1970 Chairman Narlock called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Foldy, Dwyer, Burgermeister, Police Chief Kraus and Mayor Gottfried. The minutes of the previous meeting held on June 25, 1970, were approved and placed on file. 10 The Committee reviewed the following items: City Ordinances on Animals Ald. Burgermeister and Chief Kraus reviewed with the committee the present city ordinances on animals and the proposed amendments to these ordinances. After a lengthy discussion, Ald. Foldy moved to defer action on this matter until August 13, 1970, when Chief Kraus will provide the committee with information on the number of animals, other than dogs, that are impounded by the City Humane Officer. Seconded by Ald. Narlock. Motion carried. Proposed Trespass Ordinance Changes • The committee and Chief Kraus discussed the proposed changes to the Trespass Ordinance. Ald. Narlock moved that 9.05, Para. (3) "Whoever is unable to account for his presence as an invitee or not in the course of lawful justifiable business enters or remains on the property of another without the consent of the owner or legal occupant of such property may be found guilty of a breach of the peace." be added to the ordinance and that the State Trespass Statute 943.13 also be adoped; and the Trespass Ordinance changes be referred to City Attorney Buckley for legal opinion. Seconded by Ald. Foldy. Motion carried. Mayor Gottfried to correspond with City Attorney Buckley. Ordinance #177 An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Snowmobiles in the City of Muskego. The committee discussed with Chief Kraus the proposed ordinance. Ald. Foldy moved to delete added regulations.02 (1) "on or across road- side drainage ditches." Seconded by Ald. Narlock. Motion carried. The Safety Committee also had recommended that this added regulation be deleted. The committee also discussed the possibility of allowing snowmobiling in the city parks. Mayor Gottfried to correspond with City Attorney Buckley on what the city's liability would be if snow- mobiling is allowed in the city parks. Final recommendation by the •Committee on this ordinance will be made after the committee meets with the.:Icetronauts, Local Snowmobile Club, on July 30, 1970. Disposable Bottle Ordinance A letter dated July 2, 1970, from Mr. Jerry Edgar, Legal Counsel for League of Wisconsin Municipalities, was read, which stated that it would be extremely difficult to draft valid legislation on the local level or the state level making the sale of products in disposable bottles illegal. A copy of this letter will be forwarded to Mr. Ray Dague, member of the Young Democratic Club of Waukesha. Mr. Dague originally proposed that the City of Muskego adopt a Disposable Bottle Ordinance. and ree Ordinance Amendments The committee discussed the proposed amendments to Mun. Code;10.06 and 10.07 Public Nuisance and Enforcement. Ald. Foldy moved for the adoption of add- ing Sec. 14, Diseased Trees to Mun. Code 10.06 and to amend Mun. Code 10.07 to include\the City Forester as an enforcement officer for public nuisance. Seconded by Al . Narlock. Motion carried. Ald. Dwyer moved\ to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Foldy. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. TD/iP \ gl er Sec'y.