Chairman Narlock called the meeting to order at 7:50 P.M. Also present
were Aldermen Foldy, Dwyer and Sapp and Mayor Gottfried.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on June 11, 1970, were approved
and placed on file.
4WThe Committee reviewed the following items:
Ordinance #178 - An Ordinance to Amend Sec. 3.05 Establishing a Capital
Expenditures Budget, Five Year Capital Improvement Program and Capital
Budgeting Committee. Aid. Narlock moved to recommend the adoption of
Ordinance #178 by the Common Council. Aid. Foldy seconded the motion
and it carried.
Ordinance #177 - An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Snowmobiles
in the City of Muskego. Aid. Narlock moved to defer action on Ordinance
#177 until July 30, 1970, when the committee will meet with representatives
of the local snowmobile club, The Icetronauts, to discuss this ordinance
in detail. Seconded by Aid. Foldy. Motion carried. Mayor Gottfried
• to correspond with Icetronauts officials.
City Ordinances on Animals - A letter dated June 17, 1970, from City
Attorney Buckley regarding the city ordinances on animals was reviewed
by the committee. Aid. Foldy moved to defer action on the animal
ordinances until the committee can meet with Chief Kraus on July 16, 1970,
to discuss the proposed changes. Seconded by Aid. Narlock. Motion
carried. The committee also extended an invitation to Aid. Burgermeister
to attend the July 16th meeting because of his interest in the need for
more stringent city ordinances for animals. Mayor Gottfried to extend
invitation to Chief Kraus and Aid. Burgermeister.
Proposed Trespass Ordinance Changes - The suggested amendment to the
Trespass Ordinance was reviewed by the Committee. Aid. Narlock moved to
defer action on the amendment to July 16th, 1970, seconded by Aid. Foldy
and carried. Aid. Dwyer to review Municipal Code 9.05 and Trespass
Amendment and make recommendations to committee on July 16, 1970.
Idle Isle Swimming Problem - A letter dated June 17, 1970, from City
Attorney Buckley regarding swimming at Idle Isle Beach was discussed.
This problem was deferred until the city receives official notification
from Waukesha County stating the condition of the water at Idle Isle
Beach. Mayor Gottfried to correspond with Mr. Ripley, Director of
• Environmental Health Services, on this matter.
Dedicated Land for Parks and Public Use - A discussion was held on the
need for an ordinance requiring subdivisions to dedicate land for parks
and public use. Mayor Gottfried to discuss this proposal with the Plan
Commission and report back to the committee.
Aid. Dwyer moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aid. Foldy. Motion carried.
!_ The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Respectful submitted,
John E. Dwyer, Sf y
Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee
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