The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Narlock. Also
present were Aldermen Foldy, John Dwyer, Plumbing Inspector Robb and
Mayor Gottfried.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on April 30, 1970, were
• approved and placed on file.
Alderman Dwyer was appointed Secretary of the Rules, Laws & Ordinance
The Committee reviewed the following ordinances:
Ordinance #114 - Relating to the storage of junked automobiles. A
letter from City Attorney Buckley was discussed, which recommended that
the word "unlicensed" remain in the ordinance. The committee accepted
the recommendation. Ordinance #114 will not be changed.
Ordinance #168,- Regulating the use of flammable liquids, fuel oil
burners and equipment. The Committee reviewed the ordinance with
Plumbing Inspector Robb and accepted the ordinance and recommended
its adoption.
Ordinance #170 - An Ordinance repealing and creating certain sections
• of Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code (Plumbing Code). The Committee
reviewed the ordinance with Plumbing Inspector Robb and recommended
its approval.
Ordinance #164 - An Ordinance to repeal and recreate Sec. 16.25 of
the Municipal Code (Plumbing Code). The proposed ordinance refers
to relief valves, hot water heating/storage tanks. The committee
reviewed the ordinance with Inspector Robb and recommended its
Ordinance #171 - An Ordinance to repeal, to recreate and to amend
certain sections of Ch. 16 (Plumbing Code) of the Municipal Code.
The proposed ordinance was reviewed with Plumbing Inspector Robb and
recommended its approval.
Ordinance #169 - Amending certain sections of Ch. 30 (Building Code)
of the Municipal Code. The ordinance was reviewed with Plumbing
Inspector Robb. Ald. Foldy moved to defer action on Ordinance #169
until Section #11 and #12 could be clarified with Inspector Lee.
Seconded by Ald. Narlock, motion carried.
Ordinance #172 - An Ordinance to rezone property and amend the zoning
• map of the City of Muskego (Re: Construction of Tess Corners Fire Dept.
Sub -station in Sec. 25). Ald. Dwyer moved to defer action on Ordinance
#172 until after the public hearing (informal) is held on May 26, 1970.
Motion was seconded by Ald. Foldy and carried.
Trespass, Ordinance - Mayor Gottfried has sent a letter to Attorney
Buckley requesting a review of the present Trespass Ordinance and
•what recommendations he might have which would help resolve the problem
of the trespassing snowmobiler and hunter. The committee is awaiting
further word from Attorney Buckley.
Erosion and fill control ordinance - Mayor Gottfried has written a
letter to the surrounding communities requesting copies of their
regulations or ordinances for erosion and fill control. The Committee
is awaiting replies to his letter.
• Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee
City of Muskego 5/18/70
Page 2.
Dog and Cat Ordinance - The need for this ordinance was discussed. No
action was taken.
The Committee discussed resolutions from the City of Franklin regarding
•tax relief to aged citizens and opposing an increase in electric rates
as applied for by the Wisconsin Electric Power Company. No action
was taken.
The Committee discussed the Infected Tree Ordinance at length.
No action was taken. Mayor Gottfried will contact the City Forester
Supt. Bertram, to redefine his needs for amending this ordinance.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
JD/ j e
John Dwyer, Secretary