RLO19681205RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 5, 1968 Chairman Narlock called the meeting to order at 7:06 P.M. Present were Ch. Narlock, Aldermen Linck and Burgermeister and Mayor •Wieselmann. The Minutes of the meeting held 11/21/68 were approved, as read, and placed on file. Permit regarding Maxwell Street type sales being held at Dandilion Park was discussed and it was decided that the Committee would view the site and operation before any action be taken. With reference to Police Chief Kraus's letter which refers to Sec. 9.18 (Animals and Poultry not to run at Large) and Sec. 9(7)(e) (Licensing and Regulation of Dogs - Payment of Costs) City Attorney Buckley advised the Committee that the City was already covered under Sec. #173 of the State Statutes. Ordinance regarding the riding of horses in the City of Muskego was • discussed and action deferred until further study can be made. Ald. Burgermeister moved, seconded by Linck, to amend Ch. 16, Sec 16.18 (2)(k) Plumbing Code, as follows: "Water softener or conditioner -- initial installation." Motion carried. Linck moved, seconded by Burgermeister, that commencing Jan 1, 1969, that $25.00 per call would be charged for City rescue work. Motion carried. Resolution to be drafted by City Attorney. Linck moved to adjourn, seconded by Narlock. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. V � e�-4 R"Ll. 4 J, Roland Linck, Sec'y. Rules, Laws & Ordinance Comm.