RLO19681106RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 6, 1968 Chairman Narlock called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Also present were Ald. Burgermeister, Ald. Linck and Mayor Wieselmann. • The Minutes of the meeting held October 17, 1968, were read and approved and will be placed on file. Maxwell Day type sales and Christmas tree sales were discussed. Action was deferred at this time. A letter was received from Attorney Buckley informing the Committee that the elimination of the word "unemancipated" in Ordinance #121 would conflict with the Statute. Ald. Burgermeister moved to recommenJ that the words "unless with reasonable diligence he could not avoid it" be added to Paragraph 4 of Sec. 1 of Ordinance #119. Seconded by Narlock, motion carried. Ald. Burgermeister moved to recommend that the Council adopt Ordinance #128 (Bicycle) as recommended by the Safety Committee. Seconded by Linck, motion carried. • Ald. Burgermeister moved to recommend that the Council adopt Ordinance #126S, regarding regulations in County Park. Seconded by Narlock, motion carried. Police Chief Kraus will be invited to attend the next meeting for more information on Police Mutual Aid Agreement. Ald. Linck moved to adjourn. Seconded by Burgermeister. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M. R tf 11Yubm' ted, �/� Roland Linck, Sec'y. RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE RL/je