RLO19680404RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 4, 1968 The regular meeting of the Rules, Laws, and Ordinance Committee was called to order at 7:38 o'clock by Chairman Walter Wollman. Also present were Aldo Narlock, Aldo Joost, and Council Pres. Wieselmann. The minutes of the previous meeting held March 21, 1968 were read and approved and will be placed on file. An Ordinance regarding registering bicycles was discussed briefly. Ordinance # 98 was discussed briefly. Aldo Narlock moved to recommend the Council amend to read after Section 7,052 Keys in 9Motor Vehicles". Seconded by Chairman Wollman. Motion carried.. Mrs. Jean Sanders appeared in reference to Ordinance # 101. Mayor Gottfried arrived at 7:55 P.M. Ordinance # 101 was discussed at some length. Aldo Narlock moved to recommend that the Council refer Ordinance # 101 to the City Attorney for proper drafting and a legal opinion as to its legality . and further that the Council defer the second reading until after an answer is received from the City Attorney. Seconded by Chairman Wollman. Motion carried. Aldo Narlock moved to recommend the Council amend Ordinance # 99 to read " or formented malt beverages" after the wine, sixth line in the sentence beginning Chapter 12.015. Seconded by Chairman Wollman. Motion carried. Pay for City employees who are Reservists and at summer camp was discussed. The City Attorney will be contacted. Procedures for getting " no parking " signs placed was discussed. Stop signs at the schools were discussed. Aldo Narlock moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aldo Joost. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sivier L. Joost4KOOSecly. 40 RULES, LAWS, & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE