RLO19671109RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 9, 1967 The regular meeting of the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee was called to order by Chairman Wollman at 7:35 P.M. Also present were Alderman Narlock, Alderman Joost and Mayor Gottfried. • The minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected to include Alderman Narlock's motion to recommend deferment of Ordinance #81 to the Common Council. The motion lost for lack of a second. The minutes of the previous meeting held October 19, 1967, were accepted, as corrected, and will be placed on file. Ordinance #81, referring to the city engineer was discussed again at great length. Alderman Joost moved to recommend to the Council the adoption of Ordinance #81, as presented. The motion carried 2 to 1. Alderman Narlock voted "no". Alderman Narlock moved to recommend to the Council that Ordinance #84 be approved with a temporary classification of Agriculture zoning. Seconded by Chairman Wollman. Motion carried. Since this recommendation differs from that of the Plan Commission it is also • recommended that the Council refer Ordinance #84 back to the Plan Commission. • Ordinance #86 was discussed at some length. Alderman Narlock moved to recommend to the Council to amend Sec. 12.09 (8) of the Municipal Code as follows: "Number of Dogs Limited. It shall be unlawful to keep more than two dogs over the age of five months upon any premises within any area in the City in which two or more residences are occupied within 1,000 feet of each other, except in an authorized kennel." Motion seconded by Alderman Joost and carried. Alderman Joost moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Alderman Narlock. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sivier L. Joo , Jr., c y. RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINORITY REPORT OF MEETING HELD ON NOVEMBER 9, 1967 The Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee by a vote of 2 to 1 recommended to this Council the approval of City Ordinance #81, which provides for the appointment of a city engineer by the office of Mayor. . It is my firm conviction that the interest of good government for the people of Muskego will best be served by a Common Council appointment. My opposition to the majority recommendation is not just a belief or an opinion. It is based on certain historical facts of our city government. In the beginning the first Mayor and Council provided for a dis- tribution of duties and responsibilities to the office of Mayor and to the office of the Common Council. Among.these duties and responsibilities were appointments to various city departments. The office of Mayor was delegated all of these appointments. It should be noted that by means of a referendum some of these appoint- ments have since become elected offices. To achieve a balance in this distribution, the duties and respon- sibilities of certain offices and departments were delegated to the Common Council alone, without any reservations or exceptions. By means of Charter Ordinance #1 the function of the board of public works was delegated to the Common Council. Charter Ordinance #2 delegated the duties of the offices of street commissioner and engineer to the Council. These charter ordinances were adopted unanimously in December, 1964, and January, 1965, respectively. It is obvious that these duties and responsibilities are all very closely related to the office of engineer. Under these circumstances it is also quite obvious that this appoint- ment is logically the function of the Common Council. Certainly the fact that this body has served the function of engineer for almost two years, and in addition retains two such closely related functions as the board of public works and street commissioner provides it with the best qualifications for this responsibility. I, therefore, strongly urge this Council to reject the recommendation of the majority of this Committee. Not to do so will most certainly be a serious reflection on the office of a Councilman. FRANK E. NARLOCK Member of Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee