RLO19660722The regular meeting of the Rules, Laws
called to order at 7:36 P.M. Present
Wollman and Joost and Mayor Gottfried.
July 22, 1966
8 Ordinance Committee was
were Chairman Weaver, Aldermen
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Mr. Mark Oddino of the Wis. Tele. Co., and Mr. G. T. Young, Mr. Otis
Koske, Mr. Robert C. Mehring and Mr. Roy A. Brockmann of the Wis.
Elec. Power Company were present.
Mr. Young spoke for the Electric Power Company and Mr. Oddino spoke for
the Wis. Tele. Company. They both felt that their respective company
should have the right to decide if underground wiring is feasible in
any subdivision - not the City - nor the subdivider.
• Roger Waedikin, William Greiner and Ervin Merath spoke against the 6 P.M.
water skiing dead line on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. They left a
petition with 34 signatures.
Ordinance #35 was discussed. Chairman Weaver moved the committee
recommend the ordinance be amended as follows: Section VIII to read -
"No live music shall be furnished or played from 1 A.M. to 8 A.M.,
except this provision shall not apply to January lst. Section III - the
8th line the words "or to the Mayor" and Sec. III the 9th line the
words "or the Mayor" be deleted. Seconded by Alderman Wollman,
motion carried.
Ordinance #48 referring to water skiing was discussed. Communications
received from Oconomowoc, East Troy, Town of Norway, Village of
Pewaukee were read and discussed. Alderman Wollman moved we recommend
Ordinance #48 be tabled by the Common Council, seconded by Chairman
Weaver, motion carried. Petition and correspondence will be turned
over to the Safety Committee.
Ordinance #41 was discussed. Ald. Joost moved to recommend to the
Common Council the words "provided they do not exceed thirty-two (32)
sq. ft. in size", be deleted from the first sentence (Sec. I) and that
at the end of the fourth sentence after "or placed" the following be
added "except political signs installed or placed on any motor vehicle"
And that the last sentence of Sec. I be deleted, seconded by Chairman
Weaver, motion carried.
• Codification was discussed. Enough information has not been received
in answer to our letters to act as yet. Codification will be discussed
as the information becomes available.
The first portion of the Subdivision Control Ordinance was discussed at
some length. A letter from Steven A. Woll Executive Ass't. of the
Metropolitan Builders Association of Greater Milwaukee was read and
placed on file.
Alderman Wollman moved to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Joost. Motion
carried and meeting so adjourned at 11-40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
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