The regular meeting of the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee
was called to order by Chairman Weaver at 7:40 P.M. Present
were Chairman Weaver, Alderman Wollman, Alderman Joost and
Mayor Gottfried.
The Firearms Ordinance was discussed again briefly. The Ordinance
will be rewritten and forwarded to the City Attorney.
An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance Regulating Signs and Billboards
in the City of Muskego referring to political signs was discussed.
Alderman Joost moved that the Committee recommend adoption by the
Common Council. Seconded by Alderman Wollman, carried.
A Resolution appointing an Assistant Building Inspector was
received from the Public Safety Committee and was discussed. It
was agreed that an Assistant Building Inspector is needed. Ald.
Wollman moved that Resolution #156 be approved by the Council as
written. Seconded by Ald. Weaver, motion carried.
In discussing a letter received from City Attorney Hippenmeyer,
dated June 2, 1966, regarding the keeping of horses in a recorded
subdivision, it was decided to have Gerald Lee, Building Inspector,
• inspect the premises and report back to the Committee. The main
reason for this action was that the City Attorneyls opinion was
that an Ordinance of this type would be discriminatory.
In discussing the length of term to be served by the Clerk -Comptroller,
Treasurer, assessor and constable, it was agreed that three years
would be more suitable than one year. Charter Ordinance #11 was
read. Chairman Weaver moved to recommend adoption by the Common
Council. Seconded by Ald. Wollman, motion carried.
Ordinance #36 was brought up for rediscussion. Ald. Wollman moved
that the Committee recommend that the Council defer action on
this until July 12, 1966, to allow the Rules, Maws & Ordinance
Committee to re-examine all bridges with Highway Supt. Bertram.
Seconded by Ald. Joost, motion carried.
The Codification Ordinance was discussed. Chairman Weaver will
contact Municipal Services Inc. to ask a representative to appear
before the Committee.
An Ordinance regarding the demolition of buildings and removal of
debris was discussed. Chairman Weaver will invite Building
Inspector Gerald Lee to our nextIneeting to discuss and advise
the Committee regarding this Ordinance.
• Ald. Wollman moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ald. Joost.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Siv er L. Jo , Jr., ec'y.