RLO19651216RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 16, 1965 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Wolf at 7:30 P.M. Present were Chairman Wolf, Mayor Gottfried, Alderman De Angelis and Building Inspector Lee. • The minutes of the last meeting held December 2, 1965, were approved as read. CULVERT ORDINANCE -Discussed this ordinance briefly. Inspecrtor Lee brought to the attention of the Committee that a system of communication by/between the Highway Supt. and the office of the Building Inspector should be arranged regarding the proper installation of said culverts - where, when, etc. before building permits are issued. ESTABLISHMENT OF GRADES: A general discussion took place. The Committee concluded that to make sure of proper surface drainage in any proposed subdivision - they are requesting the Planning Commission to review and consider the following change in the "Subdivision Control Ordinance". That Section IV under 2a (1) Engineering Data, Paragraph (1) read as follows - that after the word ways, the following words be inserted (proposed lots at each of the four corners.) In itts entirety, Paragraph (2) a (1) n • should read (Plan and profiles sho*.,ing existing and established grades for all streets, alleys, public right of ways, proposed lots, at each of the four corners, and proposed buildings.) EXISTING SURFACE DRAINAGE PROBLEM: Committee reviewed Section 6.01 of the Zoning Ordinance (Engineering Section) and recommended adding an additional paragraph to read as follows under Sec. 6.01 New Paragraph (D) (All lots should have proper surface drainage and no final occupancy permit will be issued until final grade and proper swails have been accomplished.) In order to eliminate unnecessary procedure and to further extend the regulations under which the final occupancy Permit can be issued, the Committee is recommending to the Planning Commission that they consider the following changes under Section 3.03 Paragraph (4) of the Zoning Ordinance Titled "Occupancy and Zoning Use Permit", and provide the Committee their opinions. Under Sec. 3.03 Paragraph (4) strike out the words (Town Board Upon Recommendation of the) and also add the following after the word occupation (and pending final grade of land to its specified grade). POLITICAL SIGNS: Communications from Attorney Hippenmeyer read by Chairman Wolf concerning feasibility of an ordinance regulating political signs. Copies to be given each alderman. INDOOR SHOOTING RANGES: Committee discussed with Inspector Lee the construction and materials used within indoor shooting premises. Motion was made by Chairman Wolf to adjourn, seconded by Alderman De Angelis. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. • je \ Respectfully submitted, Paul M. De nge Acting Seely RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCE COMMIT`INF