Chairman Wolf called the meeting to order at 7:45 P. M.
PRESENT: Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Wolf, DeAngelis and Weaver
FIRE ARMS ORDINANCE - Womants Club, Lake Denoon Adv. Assoc. and
•American Legion sent communications to the Committee, placed on
Rules of order regarding Public Hearing, Thursday, August 12tb,
were discussed.
CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCE - Alderman DeAngelis moved this Ordinance
e deferred to the f rat meeting in October, Alderman Weaver seconded
and the motion carried.
CULVERT ORDINANCE - Alderman Weaver moved that this Ordinance be
brought o e�tention of the Public Works Committee questioning
reason for delay. Alderman DeAngelis seconded the motion and it
Chairman Wolf will write to Public Works Committee asking for
a reply.
CURFEW ORDINANCE - Alderman DeAngelis moved that the Curfew Ordinance
• e deferred to a later date. Alderman Wolf seconded the motion and
it carried.
SETTING OF GRADES ORDINANCE - Discussed and deferred to next meeting.
POLLING PLACES - Chairman Wolf discussed his letter to Durham School,
Muskego High—school and the Tess Corners Fire Dept. No reply as yet.
ALDERMAN'S TERM OF OFFICE - Alderman Weaver expressed his opinion that
a 4 year term was too long.
Chairman Wolf expressed his opinion that a 4 year term was practi-
cal and gave his view as to constant pressure of running for office
and suggested a survey should be taken of other communities.
Alderman DeAngelis believed in a 2 year term - "many sincere
people should have the opportunity to run for office".
Alderman Weaver made the motion that this Ordinance be resolved
by Sept. 16th, Alderman DeAngelis seconded and the motion carried.
Alderman DeAngelis will ask League of Municipalities regarding
terms of office.
SUPERVISORY DISTRICT - After much discussion and survey of population,
Alderman D nge s made the motion that Supervisory District #1
consist of Wards 19 2 and 7 and Supervisory District #2 consist of
Wards 3, 4, 5 &6. Chairman Wolf seconded the motion and it carried.
(To be presented to Council on the loth of August)
CAMPAIGN SIGNS - Referred to next meeting. Possible change of our
existing Big Ordinance.
TRANSCIENT MERCHANTS LICENSE - Chairman Wolf will obtain copies of
existing Ordinance and relay to Committee. Referred to next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Myron Weaver, Secretary
Rules, Laws & Ord. Committee
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