RLO19650617REGULAR MEETING OF RULES, LAWS, ORD. COMMITTEE - June 17th, 1965, 7:30 PM. Mayor Gottfried, Chairman Wolf, Aldermen DeAngelis, and Weaver were present. A citizen, Mr. Dietch living at W179 S8246 Racine Avenue, asked to be heard by the Committee regarding his problems with hunters on and around his home and property. He said, "His signs were torn down, threats to his person by hunters, and many acts of indiscriminate shooting was of great concern to him" end quote. Chairman Wolf explained the present draft of the Gun Ordinance we have created. Mr. Dietch said "We should insist there be no upland game hunting in the City of Muskego." Mr. Dietch was advised of forthcoming Public Hearing and excused from the meeting. Minutes of June loth read and approved as read. Chairman Wolf suggested to the Com- mittee that the Gun Ord. draft be given to each Alderman, Gun & Sport Clubs and Trap Shoot establishments. It was decided also that letters and draft copies be sent to the following organizations: Constable Bohlman, Izaak Walton League, Park and Re- creation Board, Bass Bay Sportsmans Club, Hunters Nest, Schultz Rod and Gun Club, Roy Imme, Vernon Buehl Sport Shack, Southeastern Adv. Assoc., Jewel Crest Adv. Assoc., Muskego Shores Adv. Assoc., J.C.C., V.F.W., American Legion, Julius Ceasar, Chamber of Commerce, Sonny Koch, Northeastern Muskego Adv. Assoc., Louis Boxhorn, Tess Cor- ners Fire Dept., and Hillview Lane Adv. Assoc.. Committee felt that the Firearm Ord. Draft in its present form is not ready for referral to Atty. Hippenmeyer at the present time. A Special Hearing shall be held the 2nd week of August - preferrably Aug. 12th. School Officials will be contacted for permission to use all-purpose room at Muskego High School. POLLING A letter from Atty. Rielly stating that it was not necessary to have a voting booth in each ward was read by Chairman Wolf. Tentative locations were agreed on School Officials should be contacted for possible suitable voting accommodations and also that Clerk-Treas. Mrs. Bowyer be contacted also. FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSION - Chairman Wolf suggested that A Fire & Police Commission be created as soon as possible, that there should not be any reason for delay. In his opinion quote "Creating of many ordinances without the backing of proper authority is not feasible," end quote. As Chairman of this Committee he wishes this Committee to sponsor the urgent need for the Ordinance creating the commission be acted on at our next meeting. Amendments to the Zoning Text will be considered at a Special Meeting of Rules, Laws, and Ord. June 24th - 7:30 PM. CULVERT ORDINANCE - Suggested changes discussed. Alderman Weaver moved that the follow- ing changes and questions be referred to the Public Works Committee: 1) Licensed Con= tractor? Who licensed by? 2) No specifications listed 3) No specifications regarding licensing 4) Limited number of contractors able to do the work? 5) Does wording elimin- ate unlicensed contractor and encourage a do it yourself program? Amendment to Rules of Order, Ordinance A. Alderman DeAngelis moved and Chairman Wolf seconded for Committee approval of this Ord. and submitting to the Council. Motion Carried. Meeting Adjourned 12:05 AM. Respectfully submitted Mvrnn TniPavar. -qar 1tr.