RLO19650520rd W RULES, LAWS & ORDINANCES COMMITTLE CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING Tj1A'-V' 20, -1965, 7:05 ?.M. PRESM; Mayor Gottfri-ed., Chairman Wolf, Alderman DeAngelis and Weaver, Mimites of previous imeeting eorrected. 'Proposed Gun Ordiinance discussed. Alderman DeAngelis suggested we write our own restizie and Include the various factors t1hat eac1b Cmaitteel'aarn would like to .have appear In the ordinance. Spe-cial meeting- .14ay 24P 7*30 P-111-, shall be beld for this purpose. Repr1nt!nL.* of varioLiz., oxmi-iname aotices was discussed ; Re: Vrash burning, noxioue iameds - kgrsed t-o refer for further study. DOG ORIA-MAJUCE1 Uailt ' of (1o;gs, co'-sts and. penalties dJs- cussed and agreements reacbed on the above Items. The re commendat tons of t1he Coittee resolved - aeu; Dog Ordi-nance be sulil-flitted to the Council for their approval. Mayor Gottfried auggested we eon -tact Dog Cat c-her for possibility of P.14, patroline. Cinalzman Wolf' rioted to I.-IJa Cotamittee that the first me tin in June Cr I's for co-z'mideration of Polling places. ZONING ORDINANCE 01HANMES were subs fitted to the Committee for action F1----- as soon as poselble, Adjourned - 10:00; P.1% .1 1?espectfully Submitted, 7 M Y_ yro Weaver bjs 5725/65 5d