PSEM19880324PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 24, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Hilt and Dumke, Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per the attached list. Mayor Salentine explained the proposed Waste Management sewer extension. The total cost of the project, as estimated by our City Engineers, is 1.6 million dollars. Waste Management has made a commitment to fund $600,000 ($450,000 estimated cost of their providing lateral and $150,000 additional dollars to make the gravity system a reality). The assessable frontage is estimated at $200,000 leaving a balance to be funded by the Utility of $800,000. This figure will be further reduced by an approximate $110,000 RCA charge based on the flow of leachate from the landfill. The discussion centered around the varying phases of cost effectiveness and interest in pursuing the proposal. After a lengthy discussion, the Committee deferred making a decision on implementing the project until the April sewer meeting. The Committee reviewed the status of FLOW. Mayor Salentine reported on the court litigation and time frame for negotiations. • Utility Superintendent Kloskowski is overseeing the installation of the grinder pump for the Bradford property, Oakhill Estates Sewer Project. A water meter reading to determine sewer charges for Egg Products, Inc. and Danish Amercian Foods was discussed. The Utility Superintendent and a representative of Egg Products, Inc. met to document that a new meter was installed which affected the meter reading. The Committee agreed with the averaging of the 1986 Sewer Usage bills plus the first quarter of 1987 to determine a bill for the third quarter of 1987 which resulted in a charge of $1,561.41 for Danish American Foods and $2,263.39 for Egg Products, Inc. The forced hook-up for the Ludwig/Strampe properties is in the process of being completed. The Utility Superintendent's report was reviewed and the Committee recommended to alert all sewered properties with grease traps to clean and maintain the traps on a regular basis in accordance with Chapter 21, Section 21.09, of the Sewer Utility Ordinance. The Committee reviewed the Preliminary Assessment Roll and the . bids for the Hillendale Extension Sewer Project and recommended the low bid of Rawson Contractors at $98,024.40. No adjustments were made to the Engineer's Report or the Assessment Roll. Public Sewer Committee - Page 2 • March 24, 1988 The deferred recommendation on amending the REC (Residential Equivalency Charge) chart was discussed. Ald. Dumke voiced concerns he has received from single family homeowners. Ald. Taube expressed the issue of relating to only one segment of the community, multiple housing, for REC review. Further discussion centered on the justification for reducing the RCA charge. The intent of the reduction in RCA charges for a two bedroom unit being reduced to 3/4 REC resulting in $1,226.25 per unit and a one bedroom unit reduced to 1/2 REC resulting in $817.50 per unit reflects the use of the system in relationship to the number of people living in a unit. The 1987 MMSD manual for calculating a user charge establishes Muskego's number of residents in a single family home at 3.3, a two bedroom unit at 2.5, and a one bedroom unit at 1.5. Ald. Hilt moved to recommended to Council that the REC charge be amended to reflect the reduction. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried with Ald. Dumke abstaining. John Ingersoll appeared on behalf of the Dandilion Park development to request sewer service for his Planned Unit Development which consists of 74 condominium units and an office building. The Committee was receptive to his request. The Committee reviewed the failure to hook-up two properties in the Oakhill Estates Sewer Project. The Lassa property has paid the $500 connection fee, has obtained a plumbing permit, and • intends to be connected within the next two weeks. The Building Inspection Department is directed to secure quotes for a forced hook-up for the Curtis property, W167 S6869 Oak Hill Drive. If both properties are not connected by the April Sewer meeting, stand-by charges will be required from the mandated connection date. The Commitee reviewed the following quotes received for the forced hook-up of the Irish Spring House, W184 S7060 Hillendale Drive: Westside Plumbing, Inc. $31100.00 John Lang Trenching $2,650.00 Rawson Plumbing, Inc,. $2,795.00 The Committee recommended Council approval of the low quote received from John Lange Trenching of $2,650.00. Correspondenced from the Waukesha County Department of Health dated March 11, 1988, regarding sewage overflow from private sewage system (S76 W16474 Bellview Drive) and sewage overflow from holding tank (W194 S7060 Hillendale Drive) was reviewed and placed on file. The extended time frame for engineer approved plans for Woods • Road -Mystic to Durham was reviewed. The decision on implementing the project was deferred pending on the amount of sewer work being done in 1988. Public Sewer Committee - Page 3 March 24, 1988 The request for one connection for sewer service for a proposed land division was reviewed for the Dorothy Vesbach property on Woods Road, west of Lannon Drive. The Committee made the petitioner aware of the required frontage assessment based on the Hillendale Sewer project of $30.38. The Committee agreed to allow the connection. Lynn Kurer appeared before the Committee to request sewer service for four lots on Courtland Lane. The SEWRPC report indicated that a portion of this property would not have buildable status. The petitioner was made aware that the property requesting sewers would have to pay a front foot assessment at $30.38 per front foot. The Committee agreed to four connections on Courtland Lane subject to SEWRPC approval and paying the required $30.38 front foot assessment. Mayor Salentine and Utility Superintendent Kloskowski reported on the meeting held on March 22, 1988, with the Holding Tank Haulers and a representative from MMSD. The haulers will begin to use the facilities on April 15, 1988, and an agreement between MMSD and BFI for use of their property will be drafted by MMSD and the agreement between the haulers and the City of Muskego will be drafted by Attorney Molter. The operation is for a six month temporary basis to be evaluated at the end of that time. • The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. ca • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Edwin P. 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