The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Hilt,
Mayor Salentine, Utility Superintendent Kloskowski and those per
the attached list.
The Mayor updated the Committee on the efforts of FLOW.
Specifications are being prepared for the bidding of the
Hillendale Sewer Project.
A discussion with the representatives from Waste Management and a
number of the impacted property owners was held. Correspondence
from the City Engineer was reviewed which answered the Public
Sewer Committee's request to determine the feasibility of
extending the sewers north on Hillendale to serve the landfill.
The Committee agreed with Waste Management to have the City
Engineers discuss the project with Waste Management's consulting
engineers to come to an understanding on the costs involved and
the method of providing service. The Committee is requesting
that the City Clerk invite the property owners impacted by the
• project to the March meeting.
Mr. Paul Brauch appeared before the Committee to review the
assessment on tax key 2171.997 (Janet Brauch-Connelly) of the
Oakhill Estates Sewer Project. The notes provided by the City
Engineers were reviewed and verified that the Committee agreed to
delete the two laterals listed on the assessment roll, add the
cost of an 8" sewer main from Manhole #5, delete one grinder
pump, and delete front foot assessment for the southwest corner
lot (Lot #1). The total assessment was 312 ft., minus 163.95 ft.
for lot #2, resulting in 148.05 ft. of non -assessable frontage
for Lot #1, for a credit of $5,089.96 plus the credit for two
laterals (minus $973.75 for cost of 8" main) of $1,207.37 for a
total credit of $6,297.33. The Committee recommended that the
assessment roll be amended to provide credit for the above.
The anticipated date for Madison Underground to start
construction on the Bellview/Bay Lane Sewer Project is projected
to be March 1. The City has been requested to supply the sewer
inspector for the project and the Zoning Officer is exploring the
availability of an inspector.
The status of the forced hook-ups were reviewed. Mr. Zidar
appeared before the Committee in regard to the Ludwig/Strampe
hook-ups. He explained that one home is connected and the second
. home would be connected shortly. The delay is due to health and
weather conditions. No new information was supplied on the
Bradford forced hook-up. The deadline for the Irish Spring house
quotes was extended to the March meeting.
Public Sewer Committee - Page 2
February 11, 1988
Interested parties discussed the REC chart and Ald. Hilt moved to
defer making a recommendation to Common Council until further
discussion at the March meeting. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion
Corrspondence from the City Clerk was reviewed and the Committee
agreed that it would be a cost saving measure to implement the
quarterly sewer usage billing of commercial properties to be
included in with their water bill. This procedure would start
with the first billing of 1989.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and placed on file.
Mr. Bob Gunderman appeared before the Committee to request sewer
service for the Bass Subdivision in the City of New Berlin. The
Committee indicated that New Berlin has been requested to adopt a
soil erosion control ordinance and the City of Muskego has not
been notified of that adoption. It was also noted that there was
little chance of Common Council approval of these connections
because of the allocation method proposed for the Linnie Lac
Service area.
• The request for payment from FLOW was reviewed and Ald. Dumke
moved to recommend Council approval. Seconded by Ald. Hilt,
motion carried.
The Utility Superintendent informed the Committee of the need for
safety equipment. He was instructed to provide a "not to exceed"
cost for recommendation to Council for approval.
The Committee discussed the modification to the Jensen Lift
Station of the stand-by generator. The Committee determined that
the Utility would not apply for installation of gas service at a
cost of $1,289.35 until after March 15, 1988, in order to avoid
the $964.00 winter charge for installation between December 1 and
March 15.
The sewer usage charge discussion for the Danish Amercian/Egg
Products Inc. was deferred.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Edwin P. Dumke
. Secretary