The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Sanders.
Also present were Committee Members Hilt and Dumke, Utility
Superintendent Kloskowski, Mayor Salentine and those per the
attached list.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW and
indicated that a sub -committee of FLOW is negotiating with MMSD.
The Ludwig/Strampe property forced hook-up has been installed into
the building but has not been completed. The Building Inspector is
responsible for seeing that the forced hook-up is finalized.
The Bradford property forced hook-up has not been started.
The Committee reviewed the Engineers Report and Preliminary
Assessment Roll for the Hillendale Sewer Extension. After
considerable discussion there was unanimous agreement by the
Committee that all three members would support the zoning change as
recommended by the Plan Commission which is zoning the sewer service
area for the Hillendale Sewer Extension. A preliminary project
schedule was discussed and the Committee set a target date for
beginning of construction of June 15, 1988. The preliminary
Assessment Roll, as prepared by the City Engineers, showed a front
• foot assessment fee of $45.95 with a lateral cost of $1,568.00. The
assessable frontage will be reduced by the frontage on Sunnyhill &
Hillendale south which abuts the corner lots already serviced by
sewers. The non -assessable frontage will be reduced by the frontage
required, according to zoning, for an additional lot on the Graves
property (Tax Key 2188.995) and the lateral to service that lot will
be included in Mr. Graves assessment. The 421 Lin. Ft. of front
foot assessment for the Ted & Christine Valenti property (Tax Key
2188.984) was reduced from $20,912.95 to a figure to be arrived at
by making the following calculations: Take the triangular piece of
property and divide 120 ft. required frontage for a future lot, plus
assess the property owner for the required frontage which would be
sufficient to comply with 30,000 sq. ft. area requirement. The
balance of the triangular area which is unbuildable, would be a
nonassessable cost in the project.
Mr. Dave Heil of Waste Management was present to review the
Engineer's recommendation and report on the extension of sewer
service to the Muskego Landfill. The Committee requested the
Clerk's Office to supply additional information as to assessable
frontage and the City Engineer to determine the feasibility of the
landfill connecting to the Hillendale Sewer Extension rather than
extending a gravity sewer to Wauer Lane. The data provided by the
City Engineer indicated that the Valley View Heights Subdivision
could be serviced by the Waste Management extension but it would not
. be as cost effective as being served by a sewer main extension
through the Schaefer property.
Public Sewer Committee - Page 2
January 14, 1988
• The Committee directed the Building Inspection Department to receive
quotes to implement the 30 day order for connection of the holding
tank at the Irish Spring House based upon the January 8, 1988
telephone conversation with Alice Slusher of the Waukesha Health
Department stating there is a problem of overflow from the holding
Mr. Paul Brauch appeared before the Committee to discuss his
daughter's assessment in the Oakhill Estates Sewer Project (Tax Key
2171.997) and stated that the assessment did not reflect the
agreement made between he and the Committee as it relates to
installing a sewer main to serve this property. After the adoption
of the Final Resolution for the Oakhill Estates Sewer Project, Mr.
Brauch appeared at a sewer meeting to request an 8" sewer lateral to
replace the two private laterals which were placed on the assessment
roll at $1,090.56 per lateral. The cost of the 25' of 8" sewer
lateral at $38.95 per foot is $973.75; resulting in a credit of
$1,207.37. The Committee is in agreement that the assessment roll
should be adjusted to reflect the credit of $1,207.37. Mr. Brauch
indicated that a credit for the grinder pump and the 1-1/2" sewer
line to serve the existing house on this property, which is now
served by the installation of the main extension, was to be credited
to offset the main extension. The Committee directed the item be
placed on the February Sewer Agenda in oder to further research the
• The Committee reviewed correspondence from the City Engineers dated
January 6, 1988, indicating that in order to install the new standby
power generator in the Jensen Park Lift Station, it would be
necessary to install a stepdown transformer to convert 240 volt
three phase power for 120 volt single phase power to the equipment
in the station. This would permit elimination of the 120 volt
service altogether, eliminating the Power Company connection charge
for that service. The Committee approved the change order in the
amount of $1,230. and directed the Clerk to issue a purchase order
direct to Uihlein Electric for the work.
The impact on the proposed amendment to the REC chart on sewer usage
was reviewed. The majority of the multi -family housing would be
serviced by municipal water which would result in meter readings to
determine sewer usage charges; thus the reduction in the REC chart
would not impact the fees generated through usage charges.
The Utility Superintendent's report was reviewed and placed on
file. The Committee recommended that the Utility Superintendent
receive the renting and maintaining of coveralls.
The Committee authorized the updating of the sewer systems maps as
requested by the Utility Superintendent.
. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
ca �ld. Edwin P. Dumke