The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Hilt and Dumke,
Mayor Salentine, Sewer Utility Operator Scott Kloskowski and Mr.
Glen Hansen.
The Mayor updated the Committee on the status of FLOW and
indicated that MMSD and representatives from FLOW are meeting to
discuss contract negotiations.
The preliminary Hillendale Sewer Project plans, as provided by
the City Engineers, were reviewed and the Committee recommended
that the Kotnik property, S76 W20330 Hillendale (Tax Key
2191.997) be served with a 6 inch lateral, if a land division is
contemplated, and recommended that the corner lot on Gaffney be
connected to the Hillendale Sewer Project. The inquiry as to
whether or not a second lateral should be provided to the Graves
property (Tax Key 2188.995) will be determined by contacting Mr.
Graves. The Committee noted that the lot would need extensive
filling to become a buildable lot. Mr. Glen Hansen (Tax Key
2191.999) appeared before the Committee to discuss lateral
Following is the status of the Forced Hook-ups:
• The Sweeney property (Tax Key 2200.977) was connected to sewers
on December 10, 1987.
The Plumbing Inspector is directed to contact the plumbing
contractor awarded the forced hook-up for the Ludwig/Strampe
property to have the project done in a timely manner.
The Utility Operator will provide the Committee with information
on the status of installation of the grinder pump for the
Bradford property on Oakhill Court and attempt to motivate the
contractor awarded the bid so that the project can be completed.
The Committee reviewed the first phase of the sewer plans for
Golden Country Estates which consist of 27 lots. The
recommendations as addressed in Ruekert & Mielke's letter of
December 8, 1987, will be complied with. Ald. Hilt moved to
approve plans subject to meeting requirements of engineer's
report. Seconded by A1d. Dumke, motion carried.
The recommendations from City Engineer Tom Renner dated December
7, 1987, were reviewed. Several of the City's older sewage lift
stations are equipped with direct wire alarm telemetry connected
to an alarm panel in the police station. Wisconsin Bell has
advised Muskego that the dedicated telephone lines serving Lift
Station #9 at Woodland Court will be abandoned in the near
Public Sewer Committee - Page 2
December 10, 1987
• future. The cost of a telephone dialer installed in an enclosed
lift station would be approximately $1300, while the outdoor
installation would be approximately $2200. Ald. Sanders moved to
approve purchase of the outdoor direct wire alarm telemetry at an
estimated cost of $2200. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the Utility Superintendent's position and
determined that beeper availability and call -in would be allowed
with the person filling the position to be paid at the rate of
the Utility Maintenance Man salary scale. The pension
contribution will be reviewed by the Negotiation Commitee for the
Non -Represented personnel.
The escalation in the Reserve Capacity Assessment (RCA) charge
was reviewed and it was determined that charge will remain as
established for 1987, which is $1635.00 for new homes and $272.50
for existing homes.
The Committee reviewed the present RCA rates for multiple housing
and the Commitee recommended that the REC chart be amended to
reflect the following:
RCA Rates for Multiple Family Housing
2 or more bedrooms - $1,226.25 per unit (.75 REC)
1 or less bedrooms - $ 817.50 per unit (.50 REC)
The Sewer Utilty Operator's report was reviewed and placed on
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Edwin P. Dmke