The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Hilt and Dumke,
Mayor Salentine and those per the attached list.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on FLOW.
Mr. Jerome McGinnis, a representative from Embassy Construction,
appeared before the Committee to discuss the broken sewer lateral
on Valerie Drive (Lake Meadows Subdivision). The memorandum from
the Plumbing Inspector was reviewed which indicated that the
responsibility of the cost involved would be difficult to
determine. Mr. McGinnis indicated that he would like to discuss
the matter further with the City's Plumbing Inspector and was
directed to set up a meeting.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the Public Hearing for the
Bellview/Bay Lane Sewer Project. The correspondence from the
contractor requesting an earlier starting date than the
specifications indicated were discussed. The Committee
determined that the February 15 starting date was to be complied
with which allows time for the Public Water Committee to explore
the extension of a water main and to minimize the time frame in
• which Bay Lane would be resurfaced. The Financial Consultant
will provide the interest rate for the Final Resolution. The
Engineer's report addressing the PVC sewer pipe request by the
contractor was discussed and the Committee recommended following
the engineer's recommendations.
Mrs. Ruth Pellmann requested a deferred assessment for the
agricultural land abutting Bay Lane. The Committee recommended
that the Final Resolution include a deferred assessment for this
Discussion was held on the status of the forced hook-ups for the
Ludwig/Strampe and Sweeney properties. Permits have been issued
for both properties, but to date neither have been connected.
Mr. Harold DeBack appeared before the Committee to review the
Controlled Access Policy as it affects his recent request to be
considered for controlled access assessment. The policy which
allows deferred sewer assessments, adopted in Resolution #90-86,
indicates that controlled access assessments only can be granted
in an RCA district. The Clerk's office is directed to notify Mr.
DeBack of the interest due if the ten (10) year deferment plan is
olec?nbrghle� Acc ss Polic was reviewed and the Committee
o icy, e ity �ttorney 0 update the Controlled Access
Public Sewer Committee - Page 2
• November 12, 1987
The Committee deferred the finalization of the MMSD Interim
Agreement until the Facilities Plan Agreement with Scott Krause
has been executed.
The Sewer Utility Operator informed the Committee that the Lift
Station modifications are near completion.
Mr. Robert Pelnar appeared before the Committee in regard to the
determining of the sewer service area for the Hillendale
Extension Sewer Project. The Committee determined that Mr.
Pelnar's property will be serviced by the extension and because
the lateral to be connected to the manhole on the lot line will
be longer than the average lateral, the project will include a
lateral extension across the Pelnar property's asphalt
driveway. The Committee is requesting a zoning change for the
properties in the Hillendale Extension Sewer Project that require
sewer zoning.
The Committee reviewed the sewer plans for the Woodcrest Heights
Subdivision and recommended approval.
Correspondence from Building Inspector Gerald P. Lee was
discussed regarding proposed amendments to the Sewer Ordinance.
Ald. Hilt moved to amend Section 21.05 (2) which will exempt
• summer residents without facilities which are allowed in Section
3.10 (4) (D). Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
Mr. Leo Pilak, S63 W17781 College Avenue, appeared before the
Committee requesting sewer service for his property. After
discussing the cost and various alternatives, Mr. Pilak is to
explore, with a master plumber, the feasibility of connection by
private lateral.
Review RCA Interest/Hyde was removed from the agenda.
The Committee briefly discussed the job responsibilities of the
Sewer Utility Operator.
The Mayor advised the Committee of the recent rate increase and
nonavailability of dumping sites throughout the MMSD service area
for holding tank and septic tank waste. MMSD is receptive to
allowing two dumping sites, of which one would be located in the
City of Muskego. The site would be manned by MMSD and require a
temporary trailer. The Sewer Utility Operator recommended the
Tess Corners Industrial Park, south of College Court as a site.
The Committee was receptive to establishing a dumping site on a
six (6) month trial basis and the holding tank haulers accepting
the responsibility of maintaining the sewer line. For the six
(6) month trial period, the $1.20 charge for city costs will
. remain in affect. Mayor Salentine informed the Committee that he
and the Sewer Utility Operator explored the request with the City
Engineer who indicated that the system could accommodate this
Public Sewer Committee - Page 3
November 12, 1987
The haulers were directed to meet with the Plan Commission to
obtain the necessary approvals and to pursue the request with the
property owner involved to amend their existing Building Site &
Operational Plan. The Mayor was directed to discuss the request
with MMSD.
The Committee discussed with Mr. Swanto his request to service
the property in the City of New Berlin located at Lowell & Hwy.
24. The purpose of the connection would be to allow an eight
family dwelling to be built. This approval for a connection for
this property was given in January of 1985. The Committee
reaffirmed their approval of the connection, with the payment for
the connection of $25,000 to cover the connection and,RCA
costs. Mr. Swanto will pursue the matter with the City of New
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Edwin Dumke
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